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my eyes are heavy and i'm completely drained of containing energy.

sleepless nights have taken over because thoughts of her creep into my mind and i seem to never be able to push the constant torture out of my head.

i can't forgive myself for what i did to grace and how could i forgive myself when even the girl i hurt won't forgive me?

i was sitting in science class letting my thoughts wash over me as if i was a beached whale that couldn't move out of the shallow water and buried deep in the tan colored sand.

the bell rang dismissing us from class as i slowly packed my belongings in my backpack that is heavier than my own weight.

i exited the science room entering the hallway that was even more plain than the classrooms; the hallways have bland posters pinned on the wall with art work, from students and the occasional teacher, in every other hallway.

i began to approach the door to my next class entering photography which has grace written all over it.

when we were friends i remember the summer days that had a breeze as our tanned and occasional sun burnt legs would carry us to the beach that no one would ever be at, it was like our secret spot.

i was pulled out of the good memories, the ones that made me gain a small smile and the occasional laugh, by a girl walking into class with long brunette hair that was hanging over her shoulder and down her back.

nerves made my heart beat increase as she strolled into the room many kids despised to be in but taking pictures of nature, animals, or the sky was always the highlight of her day; put a camera in her hands and she will be unstoppable.

"grace you may take a seat anywhere you like." our teacher spoke as she scanned the room canceling people out that she didn't want to sit by.

grace's eyes met mine but she continued looking on and i had already come to the conclusion that she wouldn't pick a place by me.

i saw a grin form on her face as she walked towards the back of the room sitting down next to lauren, a girl with medium cut black hair and eyes that have icy blue rimming surrounding the beautiful green color mainly taking over her eyes.

i couldn't hear the conversation between the two girls but they were whispering and giggling amongst themselves.


it is my first day in a new class i decided to take and excitement is taking over my body, yet fear is slowly sinking in as well.

excitement is majority of what i feel because i'm taking photography which is one of my favorite hobbies, it's actually one of my only hobbies; however, fear is creeping in because the thought of walking in somewhere when i don't know people in that class is a scary thought.

i see the door to the photography room pulling the circular door knob as the door makes a classic horror movie creak noise.

i push past the anxiety and release my sweaty hand off of the door knob as i walk into the room; my eyes go to the first person i recognize.

his brown hair mixed with light brown/ blonde highlights typically "spiked" up but occasionally laying flat down on his head, the green and brown stirred together in his eyes creating a hazel appearance.

i don't understand how one can be so perfect but yet so painful all at once; it is such a mystery and puzzles me until confusion grows on my face.

he makes my heart grow with anger until it has burst out into flames; if my heart was visible it would appear as a forest that someone threw a match to, setting everything in its path on fire but that fire eventually dies out and my heart longs for him.

my thoughts are interrupted by the teacher speaking to me," grace you may take a seat anywhere you like." i scan the room deciding who not to sit by and who would be a good choice.

my eyes look at grayson but i peel them away continuing to look further on around the class staring at me but some distracted by their phones or class work.

i see a girl say in the back resting her head on her propped up arm as she has a small kind grin plastered onto her face.

the main color of her eyes is green but my attention was brought to the beautiful blue outlining her eyes and her shiny black hair wrapped around her shoulders.

i walked in her direction as she sent a small wave my way as i returned a small smile to her.

i took my seat next to her and we began to strike up a conversation," hi i'm grace."

"i'm lauren." she spoke sticking out her hand as i did the same while we shook hands exchanging awkward smiles once again.

"did you just move to new jersey?" lauren asked me returning to propping her head up.

"yeah but i've been in new jersey and at this school for about a month now."  i told her while she nodded making it clear she understood what i was saying to her.

"why are you taking photography?" she asked wanting to know more about me.

"i've just always loved the art of photos.  there always seems to be a story behind every picture like what intrigued one to photograph what they did, do they have a connection to the object or person in the photo. photos are just so artistic yet simple." i poured out to lauren why my love for photography is so strong.

"wow. that's amazing grace." that's all she had to say which in my mind means my explanation left lauren speechless.

"quick change of topic but why is that kid staring you down?" she asked concerned and while i would usually be freaked out, all i felt was annoyance since i already know who is looking my way.

i turned my head so grayson and i made eye contact for only a quick second before he looked the opposite direction.

"who is that kid?" lauren asked me as i quickly responded,"nobody."
i kinda wanna make lauren and grace fall in love lmao

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