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the sky is immersed in blackness with stars sprinkled around the moon that shines brightly bringing a dim light to dark the sky.

i'm sat up in my bed, sinking into my warm mattress clutching my white comforter staring blankly outside of my window.

sleep is desperately desired; i can close my eyes all i want but my mind refuses to unwind and stop thinking.

"grayson. grayson. grayson." is all my head is repeating; he's the only thought going through my head.

it's so difficult for me to push him out of my head and all my brain is doing is causing frustration to the point where i burst out in madness or makes such a commotion i burst into tears.

the sun is rising as the moon is slowly shrinking into the light being introduced to the sky that was previously taken over by the dark.

it's now friday and since sleep is not an option at this early in morning i force myself to get up and get ready for the day that will be substandard.

i shuffle over to my mirror, switching my lamp on, where i begin to straighten my hair that has little curls placed at the ends still, straightening until the curls leave.

with no energy in me i don't bother to cover my face with make up, leaving my freckles to appear.

i dress out of my shorts and oversized t-shirt slipping on a pair of jeans, a clean t-shirt, and putting my everyday black converse on.

i walk into my bathroom where i apply toothpaste to my toothbrush, scrubbing the morning breath taste out of my mouth, then putting on deodorant, and spraying perfume all over my body letting the scent sink in.

it's only 5:28 and school starts at 7:30 so i return to my sitting place on the bed once again curling up with the comforter in between my shaking hands as i stare once again blankly outside the window, continuing to ponder.



it's early on a friday morning and i can't stop thinking about what i said to grace, my mind won't forget what i spoke to her.

a small source of light is taking over the sky which means the day is coming so i have to hide my feelings towards the situation with grace; i can't let people see i'm upset.

i turn flat on my back facing the ceiling that is slowly letting the burning bright sunlight show the cream color of it.

i let out a loud and long sigh not excited in any way for the day to arrive.

i roll out of bed causing my feet to slam onto the carpeted floor, taking some of the pain away from my feet.

i walk over to my mirror pushing my hair back a little bit but not doing anything more as i then walked to my closet slipping on black jeans, a t-shirt, and converse.

i finish getting ready and it's only 5:35 so i dive back into bed staring outside of the window noticing grace's lamp is on which means she probably had the same restless night as i did.



time has passed rather quickly and it's time for me to get out of my bed and walk to school or the "depression hole" as i like to call it.

i grab my backpack sliding my lunch that is placed in a cheap brown paper sack into it then walk out the door, locking it behind me.

i put my earbuds into my ears and begin to play "house of gold" by twenty one pilots.

no one was insight besides the people getting their daily exercise down the cracked sidewalk, that should most likely be repaved, and the occasional person walking their dog.

school is now in sight and i was standing in front of the large glass doors taking a deep breath and pulling the door open walking in.

i walked to my first class letting out a deep sigh knowing grayson is in this period with me.

a boy with chocolate colored hair with highlights in it entered the class as i groaned throwing an eye roll.

he took a seat two seats away from me causing me to give a more exaggerated eye roll since he chose to sit so close to me.


we are forty minutes into class and we still have thirty minutes left until i can get out of this boring hell of a classroom.

i suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder as i swung my head behind me to see a boy with dark brown hair, fair skin, and crystal blue eyes that could send anyone into a frozen state.

he handed me a piece of paper that has been folded into a single little square and gave me a small grin as i returned it and took the paper from his hands.

i unraveled the note as i read it,"grace, this is probably the only way you will talk to me but i just wanted to say i really am sorry. i promise what i said was not intentional, i just let the words slip out. i'm sure that's happened to you, you just let words slip out before. i'm sorry.

i grab a pen and write a note on the paper but keep my body facing the front of the classroom and avoid shifting my body so i won't look at grayson.

i let out a small laugh proceeding to crumble the note up in my hands and hand the now crumbled paper back to the kid who originally handed it to me.

"woah you're breaking hearts." he said to me as i let out a giggle, turning back to the front of the class.



grace turned around handing the note she crumbled in her hands a few seconds ago to the same boy that i asked to give grace the note.

i'm not aware of what he whispered to her because he was so quite but it was something that made her laugh; he handed the note back to me as i started to straighten it out, making some of the wrinkles unravel from the note and i
saw small writing at the bottom of the paper.

"i don't care :)"
hello my doods i'm sorry i didn't upload this chapter last week bUT ITS UPLOADED NOW WHOOP WHOOP



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