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i've been up all night debating on telling grace that me and her are a "thing" because of a bet ethan and i made.

i make things right and then i mess them up as soon as they're fixed.

i'm such a joke.



i woke up but lauren and troye we're still asleep, lauren somehow managing to be on the ground sprawled out.

i checked my phone not seeing any notifications, especially not from grayson.

he hasn't talked to me since friday night and my feelings are gradually becoming more hurt; what did i do wrong?

grace: good morning boy :)

grayson: hey

grace: are you okay

grayson: yeah

grace: are you sure

grayson: i'm fine why

grace: you haven't talked to me since friday

grayson: so?

grace: i mean, a lot happened friday

grayson: i know

grace: whatever grayson

*read at 10:43*

"asshole" i mumble to myself.

grace: what's wrong with grayson?

ethan: idk why

grace: he hasn't talked to me since friday

ethan: oh i'm sorry

grace: did he tell you what happened friday night?

ethan: no, did y'all fight?

grace: kind of...

ethan: what do you mean kind of?

grace: in my bed...

ethan: bitchhh

grace: yeaaaaahhhhh soooooooo

ethan: it looked like something was wrong but i highly doubt it was because of that

grace: ugh okay

ethan: dude she knows something is up with you

grace: um what

ethan: shit. ignore that.

i was about to reply but i heard a raspy voice speak,"good morning" troye said.

"good morning, how did you sleep?" i asked him as he looked at lauren and back up to me with purple half circles under his eyes.

"would've been better if lauren didn't crash my sleeping party" he said as i laughed quietly, keeping in mind that lauren is still asleep.

"grayson talk to you yet?" troye asked as my smile dropped and i shook my head no.

"i'm sorry." he spoke to me.

"it's fine, let's not talk about it" i told him placing a fake smile on my face.

"can y'all shut up?" lauren asked even though by her tone i️t was more of a statement.

"lauren you're so annoying just get up and join the party" troye shouted as they started laughing but i didn't laugh; my mind is stuck on why grayson is acting different.

"stop i️t" troye told me but i laughed i️t off even though grayson wasn't leaving my mind.

"oh shit i have to go home" lauren stated as she looked at her phone, the screen so bright her eyes were glistening.

"i should take off too" troye said.

we said our goodbyes and they left and i'm now at my house alone but the thoughts of him are still lingering in my mind.

grace: hey do you want to hang out today?

grayson: i can't

grace: okay what is up with you?

grayson: nothing

i didn't reply to him.



i feel awful having to push grace away like this but i can't tell her that i️t was all a bet; i kissed her, i slept with her, i love her.

i can't keep doing this to her.

i don't deserve her at all.

ethan barged in my room snapping me out of my thoughts for a split second.

"hey bro, someone is here to see you."

"ethan i don't want to see anyone right now. make them go away" i demanded but he let out a slight chuckle.

"you're going to hurt her feelings so i'll send her up" ethan said with a smirk.

before i had time to process that grace was about to walk through the door i saw her.

"hey gray" she spoke.

i thought grace would be at my door, but i was wrong.

wow i updated.

i have so much happening y'all i'm so sorry i haven't been uploading.

i'm making music, school is hard as hell, still depressed as fuck but writing gets my mind off of my stress so idk why i don't do it more often.


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