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{please read the end when you're done with this chapter, thanks homies}



my alarm rang loudly in my ears, causing me to flinch at the blasting sudden rings.

i slammed my hand down on the snooze stopping the loud ring, groaning loudly because today is monday.

i set my feet on the floor looking around into the darkness of my bedroom slowly waking myself up.

i flick the light on causing my eyes to squint at the blinding ray of light; i heat up the shower stepping in to let the warm water hit and run off of my body.

i push the steamed silver handle down to stop the rushing water and grab a towel, wrapping up in it to dry my body.

i enter my room where my black leggings and hoodie are waiting to be slipped on so i can be cozy.

i look at myself in the mirror taking my eyebrow pencil to lightly fill them in; after that, i take my mascara to coat my thin lashes with black gel.

i leave my freckles exposed to the world and grab my backpack and begin walking to school.

it wasn't long before i started to think about why grayson hasn't talked to me since what happened.

i try to shake it off but i fail, and the thoughts stay floating around in my head like clouds bouncing around in the blue sky.

the thoughts that made my heart ache surrounded me until i arrived at the large building with glass paneling in the front, allowing anyone to see the two sets of stair cases.

i opened the double doors, also made of glass, and traveled to my first period; my mind stopped thinking about what is going on with grayson and focused on the subjects of my classes.

all my classes passed and before i knew it and it was time for my favorite class with one of my least favorite people; however, my best friend was in my next class which made me smile.

i walked in making eye contact with him, but i look past him and my eyes connect with lauren.

"hey best friend" she said to me as i laughed.

"hey best friend" i said, this time she's laughing back; the sentence always made us laugh because of the idiotic way we say it.

the bell rang and the teacher spoke,"alright class, today we are going to be getting into groups of four, you will go and take pictures of whatever you please as long as you photograph complementary colors."

"i know you want to pick your own groups but i'm sorry, i'm picking your groups." he says as everyone sits back in their plastic chairs, the ones that your hair catch in, and groan.

our teacher lets out a chuckle before speaking once again," i know, i know, so for the groups it will be jasmine, chosen, merlina, and finn." he spoke as the group of four look at each other doing a weird head nod thing.

"the next group will be grace, wyatt, grayson, and lauren" the teacher says as i shoot my head towards him.

god damnit.

our teacher announces the rest of the groups and dismisses us; we all form into our groups and head into the halls dispersing in different directions.

"i have a really great idea for a picture" lauren states to the group.

"alright well you lead the way" i say and start walking behind her.

"well the thing is i don't know if i'll get it in a couple of shots so i don't want to waste yalls shooting time. me and wyatt will go take our pictures and you and grayson can go take yalls" lauren says sticking me and grayson together on purpose.

"you're a bitch" i say silently as she points her head to the ground, acting like she's messing with the camera but in reality she is laughing quietly.

we separate into groups of two and begin trying to find complementary colors to take pictures of.

"so, how have you been?" grayson asked me.

"fine" i say plainly.

"can we talk?" he says as i giggle jokingly.

"so now you want to talk? you have been doing nothing but ignoring me, pushing me away and now you just want to talk it out?" i speak to him, he takes me by the hands spinning me around to face him.

"i'm sorry for ignoring you especially after all that happened bu-"i cut him off.

"really? all that happened? it's not like anything happened you know you've just learned things about me that i never tell anyone, i forgave you after i tried to end my life, and oh yeah we kind of fucked." i say looking him dead in the eyes.

"i'm sorry i've been pushing you away but listen to me, something happened and it made me feel awful and for some reason i thought not talking to you would make me forget that it was all a bet but just liste-"

"wait, what was all a bet?" i question, not knowing anything about a bet.

"ethan and me made a bet that who ever could kiss you first would get $200" my eyes begin to fill at the brim with tears and he reached in for a hug.

i didn't stop him from wrapping his arms around me, mainly because i was to stunned to move.

i take a breath indicating i'm going to let the words flow and he lets me go,"it was a bet? you and me happened all because of a bet? did you sleep with me as part of the bet? was it an extra $100 for whoever could sleep with me first?" i asked as questions piled on one after another.

"no baby i promise you, i didn't sleep with you as a bet, it's because i love you. i begged ethan to call of the bet but he refused to, that's why i was ignoring you and blowing you off. i didn't know what to do." he said putting his hand on the side of my face pushing the thick brown strands of my hair back.

"i have to go." i say in a stuttering manner walking away in the hallway that's floor is painted black, red, and white.

"i'm sorry." i hear him speak under his breath.

ho ho ho you hoes

should i do a face reveal at 4k reads because i'm conflicted on if i should one or not 

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