Chapter 29: The Nightmare Continues

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Ren had put me in cuffs as soon as we got onto the ship. He had storm troopers with him on his ship and after I was cuffed, they took hold of me. I wasn't very happy. Correction, I wasn't happy at all. My life, was now being controlled by what the First Order wanted. 

If my brother was going to turn evil, then why did he have to come to this place? 

Great, now I have to go back to my father. I doubt that he is even my real father. He's too old. and I don't have any personality traits from him. Unless you count that my eyes are a light blue color, but that is not always how it works. Some parents have green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, grey eyes, and even purple eyes. It's weird how that works. 

Seeing my father. Great! That is what I don't want to do right now, I sarcastically thought to myself. I tried to be in my happy place, finishing my training and being knighted, but that didn't work. At all.

Oh how I wish that I had my lightsabers with me right now. If I did, everyone on this ship would be wishing they weren't on this ship.

Eventually I calmed down, so I just tried to mediate standing up and being held by multiple storm troopers. It didn't work that well.

Ren took us to a snowy planet with a massive trench that spread through half the planet. In he middle of the trench, was a giant hole with a small red glow coming from it.

I was watching through the windshield of the ship. My mouth was barely open and I had a stunned look on my face. I would have walked forward, but I then remembered that I was beeing held captive.

There must have been a million people working on that planet. There were ships coming and going from the planet.

Ren landed the ship and the troopers led us off. Yhey brought me to a holding chamber and put me on some sort of table. They put more cuff links over my arms and my ankles.

I knew there wasn't any getting out of this place. "You're going to be staying here from now on. And you'll be our servant." Ren said.

"You won't be able to keep me here; I know that you'll let me go sometime," I yelled as Ren left the room." He's going to be sorry he ever took me.


Leia paced around the room and held her hand up to her face.

"Relax, Leia. Alona will be fine. Ren wouldn't do anything bad to Alona." Luke tried to assure her.

"Ben is now Ren, and Ren is the evil side if my son," Leia told him.

"She has a point, Master," Auntra said.

"Ren didn't do anything bad to Alona the first time don't think that he will now," Luke said.

"But people change remember," Leia asked him. "I've already lost one child, and I'm not prepared to lose the other."

"Ben will return to us someday, we just have to have hope," Han told her as he hugged her.

Leia nodded her head and Han left the room. Luke was looking at the floor in disappointment. He was disappointed in himself for not trying to save Alona.


I really want to cut off all the storm troopers hands, get my lightsabers, cut a hole in a wall, and get out of here. But sadly, I can't. I'm stuck to a table with handcuffs and legcuffs. My day is not going how I expected it to.

I wanted to do one thing, train with Luke. What has happened: I had a nightmare of Ren impelling Han, Ren capturing me, and Ren bringing me back to the person who I really don't want to be with, my birth father. Fantastic!

I know that Luke, Leia, and Han are probably worried sick about me, but I do plan to escape. I don't really know how yet, but I'm working on a plan. I'm never getting out of here!

My father came in with Ren and what looked like medical droids. I gave everyone a disgusted look, even though the droids probably couldn't tell what my face was saying to them, I'm pretty sure they knew what I was thinking.

One of the droids had a large shot thing that was filled with a liquid. The droid instantly injected the shot into my neck and I went unconscious.


Ren left the room and went back to his quarters. He was meditating and tried to reach Alona through the force. She was unconscious and her mind was trying to figure out what was happening.

Alona's father was still in the room. He was watching as the medical droids opened up her neck and and place a small black chip in the hole.

The chip was going into the bloodstream running into her mind. Alona's father smiled because he knew that he could control her mind now that the chip was in her bloodstream.


I woke up to an empty room. I was still on the table, and I was still trapped down. When I turned my neck to the right towards the door, I suddenly felt a bolt of pain comming from the left side of my neck. I winced in pain, but the pain didn't last long.

I felt an angry feeling in myself that I had never felt before. I rushed through my body and I felt at peace for once the entire day. I didn't think of what I should have hours ago, force the locks over my legs and arms open.

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