Chapter Seven -New Alliance-

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Editing completed 31/7/2017


Standing under a marble decoration is just as boring as it sounds. I soon felt my patience run low as the rich walked past me - cast me a dirty look - and then sat down to enjoy luxury meals. Right in front of me.

The afternoon soon came to a close as the Prince gestured for me to return. I left the marble arch and carefully avoided knocking anything expensive from any tables.

"See anything?"

I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"No. Nothing."

The Prince stood up and sighed, gesturing for me to follow behind. We received many smiles and greetings as we past certain rich individuals, but the Prince seemed robotic - this scene had happened so many times, it no longer meant anything to him.

"I have sword practice now. Feel free to watch or train with guards."

I glanced down at my curved sword with a nod, the Prince walked towards an extremely large wooden door, decorated with carved butterflies and entered a barren room with smooth flooring.

Several guards had been sword fighting, others watching. I quickly noticed an area up a flight of stairs - similar to a stage. I assumed the Prince would practice his swordsmanship over there.

"The foreigner... I'll make sure my sword pierces your heart."

These are the comments I received seconds after the Prince left to practice. My lips twitched into a smile - how empty his threats would be - once I drew my sword.

"I see. Don't blame me if I accidentally kill you then."

The guard stiffened for a few seconds before laughing and hastily drawing his blade. My eyes cast around the room and quickly spotted the Prince watching from above.

A test of my skills perhaps?

Lowering my stance (this had been done in my village) and tilting my blade to the side, I'd given myself the advantage - being able to see his movements as well as block a few seconds quicker. I exhaled and forcefully lunged my blade, only his sword flew from his hands and landed with a clank against the smooth floor.

Did I really go all out on a guard just because he bragged about his skills?

The guard hadn't realised his sword had even left his fingertips as my curved blade made contact with his neck, careful not to cut his skin.

"You win, you win. Don't injure me-"

I sighed loudly and lowered my blade. My hopes were up for no reason it seems... turning my back on the guard, I met eyes with Prince Levi, who merely looked down upon me and then withdrew his sword to start his own practice.

I'll watch the Prince, I guess.


Prince Levi's entire presence had been so elegant. That sword - adored with jewels, sparkled under the light as a third guard submitted or completely lost to the Prince's fierce strikes.

Seems he's more than capable of defending himself. I'd been standing with my back against the wall - practice had ended rather swiftly for the two of us. I soon spotted the Prince walking down a flight of wooden stairs leading to the lower floor.

His Royal Guard | Royalty Levi X Guard Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now