|•| Exhale Desire |•|

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Tyler's PØV

We entered school. We were back. I really didn't want to be back. I wanted to replay yesterday. Be saved by Viva and burst back into daylight. Be spontaneous! Instead of hiding below the line of a social status. Constantly staying under the radar hoping that nobody will ever take any notice of you.

1st period.. Algebra. Solving X using the quadratic equation; not exactly my forte but what am I going to do about it?
"Can anyone tell me the quadratic equation; including the basic one?" All you could hear was a tsunami of sighs hurtling toward Mr Hinder standing innocently by the blackboard. "Yes Miss Hart?"
"The simple quadratic formula is ax squared plus bx plus c equals 0."
"And the formula that enables you to find x."
"x equals minus b, plus or minus the square root of b squared, minus 4ac, over 2a." Viva recited confidently.
"That's exactly right Miss Hart. Let's see if you can try a question."
"Nerd!" A narrow minded Neanderthal from the back of the class shouted. Within seconds Viva was gone.
"Right Mr Rogues go to the principles office. I've had enough of your shenanigans." Mr Hinder ordered.
"Sir can I go find Viva?" I asked nervously.
"Yes Mr Joseph. Can you please convince her to come back to class."
"Thank you." I got up and grabbed my bag. I had no idea where she would be.

At a whim I found myself on the school rooftop. I could see the silhouette of an angel.
"Viva?" I called out. There was a huge flash and everything went a bit dark. My eyes focused again and the silhouette was gone; there was nothing there anymore.
I felt a light tap on my shoulder which made me jump.
"Sorry it's only me." Viva apologised shyly.
"Oh it's fine. I just saw something weird." I laughed nervously.
"I need to talk to you Tyler." She breathed.
"What do you two think you're doing up here!?" Mrs Upridge yelled, hauling herself up the ladder.
"Sorry Miss we just thought we heard something weird." I muttered.
"Yeah alright. If I see you up here again that's detention for a week."
"Okay sorry m'am." Viva whispered.

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