Chapter Three

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Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning in a room tied to a chair. At first I didn't know why I was here here. Then it all came back to me the punches, the aches, the kicks, and the names. I looked behind me to see Living tied to a chair also. I slipped my hand out of its ties then started the untie me feet. One I was done I started of Livi's ties. 

"Huh?" She groaned waking up. I put my finger up to my mouth telling her to be quiet. She nodded and I finished. We got up and left the room.

"I know where we are," Living said as we walked down a narrow hall.

"Where?" I asked.

"Gianna's house. Carson's old girlfriend," Living answered. I nodded as we ran out the front door.

Carson's P.O.V.

I am sick and tired of Gianna. In the last hour she has called me 20 times, texted me 135 times, and Facetimed me 5 times. My phone dinged again. This time it wasn't from Gianna, it was from Livi. I quickly picked my phone up.

Livi- Hey we're at the park.

Carson-Okay I'll be there as fast as I can.

Livi-Good. Meet us at the basketball court

Carson-Got it


I got up and grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone then rushed out of the house. I started up the engine and drove as fast as I could towards the park. I pulled up into the parking lot and got out. I walked over to the basketball court to find not Livi and Em but Gianna. I quickly ran back towards the parking lot. Gianna followed me.

"Carsy, why are you running away from me?"She asked me trying to sound innocent and sad. 

"Because you are a creep, a stalker, and a slut," I answered her question. She seemed offended with the last one but then she just became angry.

"Carsy stop being so mean," she pleaded sticking her lip out. She looked like a puppy. I mean she is quite a good-looking girl, short blonde hair, brown eyes, and good height but the down side to her is her attitude. She is sassy, creepy, and rude. That's half the reason I broke up with her but the other half is because I caught her in bed with some kid at someone's party.

"I need to go,"  said quickly as I got into the car, closed the car door, and locked it. She banged on the window but I started up the window washers. She got off my car and frowned at me as I left the parking lot and drove to the mall.

Gianna's P.O.V.

I love Carson. I always have. I don't even know why I decided to make out with that geek during the party. Carson is mine. And only mine. I love him and will do anything to win back his love. But know I have to fight for his love ever since that new girl Emma came. I love Carson and can't afford to lose him to that bitch. She doesn't deserve a guy like Carson. I'm the only one who deserves him. He's mine.

Emma's P.O.V.

We were at the mall. We were at Starbucks sipping our drinks when we heard a familiar voice yell our names from across the food court. I turned around to find the one and only Carson Lueders. I truly am not a fangirl but his songs and his voice are amazing. I ran up to him and Gabe him a huge hug. Suprisingly he hugged back tighter than he thought he would. I could feel my face turn red as Livi oohed and took pictures of us hugging.

"Where have you been?" Carson asked us.

"You're crazy ex's house," Livi said before giving her big brother a huge hug.

"Gianna?" Carson asked, we nodded, "Really? I just had a nice reumoon with her at the park," the three of us chuckled. Carson ordered a Carmel frapachino and sat down at our table. 

"So how was yours reunion with Gianna?" I asked Carson a I shipped my Carmel frapachino.

"Good it was very nice to see her. Y'know I might date her again," he said jokingly. Hearing him saying he might  date her again made me jealous. I liked him. I really really really liked him. Livi and I got up and left Carson. Carson wanted to stay at the mall to go shopping for a little bit. We left the mall and went home.

Carson's P.O.V.

I decided to stay at the mall to shop while the girls left to go home. I wanted to get em a promise ring so much but we haven't even dated yet. What will happen when school starts up? Boys will be falling head over heels for her. I need to make my move. And fast.


Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I really would appreciate if I could get more views on this book. Anyways...




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