Chapter Nine

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Em's P.O.V.

Gianna. I really don't know why she hates me so much. She just does.

"This hoe just wants the fame Carson. Don't trust her," Gianna sneered at me. Fame? What fame? Carson as if under a trance nodded and went next to Gianna.

"I'm sorry Em. But Gianna is my girlfriend," He said looking down at the ground. The bitch. Why is everything so hard in my life? I nodded telling him I understood and left. I don't want to see his face ever again. I ran around ten or eleven blocks away where a bridge was. I was about to make the jump when I was interrupted.

"Why would you do that?" A voice from behind me asked. I looked behind to see the one and only, Matt.

"Because I hate my life!" I screamed. Then I fell on the ground and burst into tears.

"Hey hey hey. It's okay. Come with me," he comforted me.  I sobbed and nodded. We got up and walked away from the bridge.

Carson's P.O.V.

What have I done? She probably hates me now! Well she probably hates me before for dumping her for Gianna. I dont know what to do with my life.

"Gianna, I'm sorry but I don't think it's working out between us," I Elaine's before making a mad dash to my house. As soon as I got to my house I grabbed my phone from off the kitchen counter and started texting Em.

Carson- Hey

Em- Why should I even talk to you? Or in this case text you?

Carson- Because I'm sorry, I miss you. I still have feeling for you

Em- Really? What about Gianna?

Carson- We broke up

Em- Really?

Carson- Yup

Em- Wow

Carson- Will you be my girlfriend again?

Em- Wow. You think you can just break up with your girlfriend and get back together with me over text?!? Oh my god! And I thought you changed!

Carson- Em!

Service- You have been blocked by this number.

"Oh my god. What have I done to deserve this?" I asked myself throwing my phone back on the counter and putting my hands on my face.  Em is right. If I want her back I can't just ask her out over text. I need to. Make a move on her. But it can't be a player like move I need to show her my love for her. Let her know that I love her and that she is the only one for me.

Em's P.O.V.

Oh my goodness! What the hell is wrong with Carson? He thinks he can break up with me, sick hundreds of different girls faces off, Date his ex who just happens to hate me, side with he's, breakup with her, then ask me out over text? No sir! I am not that stupid! Matt had taken me out for lunch and had already dropped me off at my house. I was currently in my room. I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror. I look at my long wavy brown hair and my teal eyes. Why didn't he want to be with me? Was I not pretty enough? O ran my fingers through my hair untangling it. I did love Carson. I did. But after what he has done to me and put me through I don't know if I'm ready to give him a second chance. At least not quite yet.



If you guys haven't already read the last author's note U haven't been writing lately since a member of my family died because of cancer. I know. Really sad. Anyways sorry for the short chapter. Please send in character forms and give me ideas. Anyways...




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