Chapter Four

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Livi's P.O.V.

I know my brother likes Em. Em's beautiful, kind, caring, talented, and so much more. But if he wants her he needs to step up his game. Schools starting up in two months and so far he's still in the friend zone.

Em's P.O.V

I get out of my bed and start getting ready. First I took  a shower. Then I dried and brushed out my hair. I tied my hair up into a messy bun before putting on a white tee, jean shorts, white converse, a navy blue polo hat,my golden watch with its matching earrings, and tan gladiators(top pic). I put on some foundation, blush, and lipgloss. I untied my hair and put it in a neater bun. I grabbed my wallet and penny board and ran out of my house. I went over to the beach to work on my gymnastics routine. First I started with all the easy stuff, press handstands, roundoff back handsprings, flips(front and back), and my arabian double front. Then I started putting 12 of my best skills together making them flow gracefully and beautifully.

My Top Twelve Skills:

Arabian double front

Piked arabian double front

Three and a half twist

Double layout

Double back with double twist

Double layout with one twist

Double Layout Full In

Triple Tuck

Triple Pike

Double Layout Full In, Full Out

Aerials(Side and Front)

Roundoff triple back handspring into double tuck

I also connected them with splits, leaps, twirls, and dancing. Once I was done with my tumbling pass I raised my arms as if I were saluting the judges. Then I heard clapping behind me.

Carson's P.O.V.

I was at the beach when I saw her. Em. She was doing flips, tumbles, routines I thought weren't even possible. Once she was done I clapped. She was truly not great incredible. I would never be able to pull off one of those stunts without breaking every bone in my body. 

"Oh...thanks...I didn't...I didn't know you were here," Em mumbled. Was she blushing?

"Wow! I didn't know anybody that was possible!" I exclaimed. I truly was impressed. 

"Thanks, I gotta go," she said before grabbing her bag and penny board and running off. Oh my god. Did I mess up or something? I just blew it.

Em's P.O.V.

Oh my god. Why did I just ditch him. I ran over to Starbucks and paid for a Carmel frapachino. I sat down at an empty table to sip my frapachino. My phone buzzed.



Carson-hey you alright?


Carson-wanna hang out tonigjt

Em-sure. Where and when

Carson-my place, 7

Em-ok. Cya then

Carson-k. Cya

Now I have a hang out with Carson. I returned to my Carmel frapachino, quickly o finished it up then ran to my house. By the time I got to my house it was 5:30. I didn't know if I was supposed to wear anything fancy so I asked Carson

Em-hey, just wanted to know do I have to wear anything fancy?


Em-ok thanks!

Finally I decided on a white shirt, with frilly navy blue shorts, my aztech stenciled strap sandals and my gold watch(top pic)

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Finally I decided on a white shirt, with frilly navy blue shorts, my aztech stenciled strap sandals and my gold watch(top pic). I reapplied consealer and lip gloss before running out the door. As I ran across the street to Carson's house I realized he was sitting on his wood porch swing waiting for me.

"Hey! You made it!" He said as he patted the spot next to him motioning for me to sit with him. I sat down.

"So what did you want to do?" I asked him.

"Em, theres something I have really really wanted to ask you," Carson explained. Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach.

"Ok," I said.

"Em, will you go out with me?" He asked. Oh my god. I was having a panic attack right then and there.

"Oh my god! Of course!" I squealed as I threw my arms around his neck and embrace him in a huge hug. He smiled. I kissed him on the cheek and smuggled my head in his neck. He wrapped his arms around me making me feel warm and protected. I was in love.

Carson's P.O.V.

She smuggled her head I to the crook of my neck. In response I wrapped my arm around her. She was perfect. 

"Em, since the first day I met you I fell in love with you," I told her. She smiled when she heard this.

"When I first saw you I had these feelings. That you were the one," she responded. Before I knew it our lips were together and moving in sync. Sparks were everywhere. I have never felt this happy before. And it is all because of Em. She changed my life. And love her so much. I wrapped my arms around her and we fell asleep together. Her in my arms. Swinging on a wooden porch swing.


Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed chapter four! I know it's so clique but I needed to add that in pretty fast. I really want to get my next chapter up pretty soon but I don't know if I will be able to because the last few days I have been sick so I haven't had anything better to do than this but soon I'll be busy with school stuff so ya. Don't say I didn't warn ya if updates don't come as fast as you want them to. Anyways...




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