Chapter​ 19-Dirty

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A/B-DAY just so you know this is only made since I got eight votes last chapter and MLueders an I made a bet.

Carson's POV

I woke up with Em in my arms. She was awake starring at my face. I looked down at her. She smiled.

"We have Jordyn and Brandon's party today," I told her. She nodded then snuggled her head into my chest. This made me go hard.

"Come on Em. We gotta go in like ten minutes," I whined.

"Fine," she said rolling off her bed. I laugh at her then get up and walked into my room.

Em's POV

I roll out of bed and landed on the ground with a thud. I redo my hair and add a bit more lip balm and mascara before running down the hall to Carson's room. He had also fixed himself up. We walked down to his car and hopped in. Carson turned on music and started switching through channels until one of his songs came on which didn't take too long, typical Carson. He drove us down to Jordyn's house. Once we arrived he parked and went around the cars to get me. 

"My lady," he said holding his hand out. I took his hand.

"Why thank you my prince," I say pecking his lips fast.

Carson's P.O.V.

We walked up towards the door. Right before I was about to knock the door swing open and Jordyn welcomed us in. After that Em and I split up and scattered​. 

*A while later*

Brandon came into the room holding a bunch of six packs of beer.

"Cars you should have some," Jordyn slurred as she started to drink her fourth beer. Her breath reeked of alcohol.

"Nah, I'm fine," I stated.

"Carson! Drink it!" Jordyn ordered. She was obviously drunk. She got one of her friends to hold my head back so that my mouth was up then she poured beer into my  mouth. I swallowed hoping she would stop but she just kept adding. Before I knew it the world was dizzy and bright. And I lost control of myself.

Em's P.O.V.

What just happened? Everyone is drunk now!

"Hey Em, want something to drink?" Jordyn asked. 

"Just a Coke, Ice please," I told her. She stumbled off towards the kitchen to fetch my drink.

Jordyn P.O.V.

I grabbed a Coke can and filled a cup with ice before adding g the coke in. I only filled it a quarter of the way with coke then added beer the rest of the way. I handed it to Em and watched her as she drank. The more she drank the more confused she got. When she realized that there was beer in the cup she tried to stop but I grabbed the cup and forced her to drink. Once she finished her coke and beer mixture I grabbed a few more bottles and made her drink. After a few bottles she was full on drunk. Just like everyone else at my party.

Carson's P.O.V. 

(From now on since Em and Carson are drunk they will not be acting like themselves. There will be language and dirty parts so don't report me because this is my warning! Remember Em and Carson are drunk, they don't know what they are doing.)

Do Not Read- This Part Is Dirty And Has Language

I was surrounded by girls who were already drunk and  stripped down to their underwear​. That's when I saw Em. Without even thinking I went over to her and slammed my lips onto hers. I pushed her against a wall. She moaned at this making me go hard.

Em's P.O.V.

Carson led me upstairs into and empty room. He closed the door and locked it before running over to me and pushing me onto the bed. He went on top of me and started kissing me. He took my shirt off and threw it on the ground. Then he slid my pants down and threw them somewhere. I started to tug at the collar of his shirt begging his to take it off. He did as I wanted. He started to kiss me.

"Carson..." I moaned.

"That's not my name! What is it?" Carson said.

"Daddy..." I screamed. He nodded. I felt his friend poking me through his pants making me go wet. He in a rush took his pants off and revealed his dick. Damn it was huge as fuck. He turned me over so that I was of my stomach. I got on my knees and he pushed my head down. Oh so he wants to go doggy style.

"Hurry up!" I yelled. Without even telling me he slammed in between my legs. Moans escaped my mouth.

"You like that?" Carson asked. I nodded. He slammed into me again and again.

"Daddy!" I screamed in pleasure.

"Harder! Fuck!" I begged. He started slamming into me faster. I was a moaning mess.

"Shit! I'm about to cum!" I screamed as he kept pounding into my behind. He started to slow down.

"Me too!" Carson answered. He pulled out then he cummed, we cuddled up on the bed and fell asleep.

*After The Party When Not Drunk​*

 Carson's P.O.V. 

I wake up in a bed naked with a body stirring next to me. I sit up and look over to see Em snuggle up in the covers that where covering her bare and beautiful body.

" Em?" I ask shaking her awake. She wakes up and screams when she realized she is naked and then she screams even more when she noticed I'm naked. We quickly get up and get dressed. Both Em and I have no idea what happened at the party. And that would be since we were drunk. I am just hoping that I didn't make her pregnant. All I know is to never go to a party at Jordyn's.

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