Fates Unknown

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Victories' POV

Tom woke Victorie up before dawn urged her to get ready. Victorie was completely exhausted and felt as if she could pass out at any moment. The previous night, after Tom had left her in the tower, she had thought about what was to come and what she must do. Her mind was so torn between conflicting emotions and she wished she could simply obliviate herself into unconsciousness.

Months ago Victorie had made up her mind that when they finally made it to the Wishing Well her wish would not be to destroy Lord Voldemort. After spending almost a year in this world, getting to know Tom Riddle, she no longer saw them as the same person. Victorie knew without a doubt in her mind that she was in love with Tom. But now that the moment had finally arrived she was extremely unsure of everything to do with the Well.

Victorie was no longer the same person she used to be. To have a wish granted at the Well, the person must be pure of heart and to not desire the wish for bad intentions. She began to wonder if there was any point at all in even going. Victorie had murdered innocent people for Tom, she tainted her soul to the point of no return, and she disregarded the reason she travelled back in time to begin with. It seemed impossible that any wish of hers would be granted.

Tom, however, did not foresee this as an issue. He told her the love that she felt for him was enough to make her intentions pure. Victorie had a bad feeling that Tom knew something more that he wasn't sharing. But she packed up her bag anyway and followed Tom out of the castle. Their plan was to make it past Hogwarts grounds then apparate to the location. They walked in silence, Tom confidently striding as Victorie nervously walked behind him looking around in every direction. It was unbearably hot outside and she had already begun to sweat through her clothes.

Once the had finally made it outside of Hogwarts grounds, Tom grabbed hold of her hand. "Are you ready?" He asked. She nodded her head and prepared herself for the terrible feeling that was to follow. Victorie had apparated many times before and it was always unpleasant but it was never as bad as it was that time. She had landed on the ground clutching her stomach in eminence pain. "What's wrong?" Tom asked, kneeling beside her. "I feel like I'm going to be sick." She told him through clinched teeth.

"It's only nerves. Come on, you need to pull yourself together." Tom said in a somewhat irritated tone. He must have noticed her reaction to his harshness because after that he added, quite gently, "you need to do this for us." And after vomiting multiple times, Victorie pulled herself up from the ground and brushed off her clothes. "Okay. I'm ready." She said nodding to Tom. However, Victorie still couldn't shake the feeling something was completely wrong.

Victorie ventured into the forest alone, prepared to face the obstacles but as soon as she was far enough into the forest to no longer be seen by Tom the scenery completely changed. She was now standing on cliff overlooking the sea. Victorie braced herself and clutched her wand tight. The wind whipped around her sending chills down her body. "Jump."

She turned abruptly to find the source of the voice, but no one was around. "Jump, and you'll see the truth. Jump, and all will become clear." The mysterious voice said again. Victorie discarded all rational reasoning from her brain and stepped closer to the edge. Victories' whole body was shaking as she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and jumped.

The water was ice cold and the initial hit on the surface had her body stinging all over but she somehow found it exceptionally easy to swim, as if there was a spell placed on her. The more Victorie swam, the warmer and more clear the water became until images began to appear. She saw herself standing laying beside the Wishing Well, dead. A voice entered her head. "When a person uses this dark magic, a price must be paid. That price is your life." The voice disappeared and Victorie was now face down in sand coughing and sputtering out water.

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