A Pang of Jealousy

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Victories' POV

Victorie changed into some comfy sweats and grabbed the book she took from the library. Victorie decided to read it down in the common room away from the girls she shared a dorm with. She hadn't bothered to learn their names and she didn't plan to either. Victorie sat on the couch and glanced through the book. Page after page held more and more evil objects that Victorie had never heard of before. Then she finally came across the section labelled the Wishing Well.

To her disappointment there was no more information on it in this book than she had already knew. It said the exact same thing as the other book she read had. apart from Tom being the only known person to know where the well is. Victorie still had no clue where it was and she was becoming very disappointed. Tom must really be the only hope she has to find it.

Victorie flipped through a few more pages reading about some of the different dark artifacts when she read something that caught her eye. Horcrux.

A Horcrux is an object in which a witch or wizard has stored a part of their soul. To split the soul one must commit an act truly horrid to destroy their soul; murder. As long as that person's soul remains in the object of their choice they cannot die, in other terms almost immortal. The Horcrux can only be destroyed by two things; Fiendfyre and Basilisk venom, which is very rare.

Victorie scanned this passage more than ten times. Immortal, Tom would defiantly like the thought of that. Then she remembered in the library he got two books from the restricted section so maybe he already knew about the Horcrux, maybe that's why when the killing curse had rebounded on him when he tried to kill Harry he wasn't dead, he was just lessened to something that wasn't entirely human.

Dumbledore had told her all about how the curse rebounded and a part of his soul lived in Harry but he never said what it really was. He probably didn't want to put any more crazy notions into her mind like destroying all of the Horcruxs or something/

Victorie would have been willing to bet that the books Tom got from the library told about them more precisely than the book she had did. Maybe it even told him out to make one.

Victorie closed the book and paced the common room. She needed to find where the Wishing Well was but something inside her said she had to figure this out too. She had to know what he was planning to do now. Tom was just sixteen years old, that kind of magic had to be hard to do. But Riddle isn't exactly a normal sixteen year old boy, and Victorie was realising this for perhaps the first time.

The person she's been trying to befriend becomes the most powerful dark wizard of all time; Victorie was dealing with someone that in the future if not all ready would kill quite a few people, hundreds even. Victories' first impression on Tom was that he was handsome. To be honest, she still does find him highly attractive. Uuntil this moment it hasn't truly become clear to her that she had called a guy who would kill her best friend's parents handsome. That she had even let herself be controlled by him and yet in the back of her mind she had started to like him. Not necessarily in a romantic way, but the other night when she was laying on the Quidditch field Victorie had wished he would have lain beside her and confessed everything to her. She had been having these thoughts but wouldn't let herself really think them until now.

Victorie had finally got it into her mind that she couldn't trust Tom, and she most certainly cannot have any feelings toward him except hatred. Harry, Victorie has to remember Harry. He's the reason she's even here; to protect her best friend. Not to find some shreds of human and heart in a murderer, in someone who has hurt so many people.

Victorie went back in time to get well needed information, not to try to make Voldemort love. And from now on that's all she's going to be thinking of doing. Victorie was still pacing when someone walked down to the common room. She looked up to see a boy standing there. She has seen him before in classes but never spoke to him.

"What are you doing? I could hear you walking around from upstairs." He said to Victorie. "Oh, er, sorry I was just thinking about something and..." she started to say but couldn't think of anything to finish that sentence. He laughed and walked up to her. "I'm Markus Scott." He said. "I'm Victorie." She said back to him.

"So how come we've just now met?" Markus asked. "I don't talk much." Victorie lied. "Well we'll have to change that won't we." He said flashing a smile. She sat back down on the couch and he sat beside her. For the past hour or two they talked about anything they could think of. Victorie told Markus about herself but left out the details of why she's really here.

Victorie enjoyed Markus's company a lot. Really besides Tom and a few teachers she hadn't talked to a single person since back in her own time. They stayed in the common room together until they were both sleepy and decided to go to bed. Victorie had forgotten all about Tom until she lay down on her four poster bed. Her thoughts immediately went to everything she had figured out and the thoughts she was having before. Another night of no sleep...

Toms' POV

After reading the books he retrieved from the library he knew exactly how to make a Horcrux. Nothing could stop him now, no matter what. He had also gone down in the chamber himself this time. Two mudbloods had already been petrified. But as he thought Dippet didn't inform anyone who didn't already know about it.

Tom was becoming more and more powerful by the minute. And after he made his Horcruxs he would be invincible. Not very many people knew about them, and even less knew how to destroy them. Yes, it was obvious Tom Marvolo Riddle was soon to become Lord Voldemort.

Tom made his way back into the Slytherin common room to find Victorie sitting on the couch with some guy. They were laughing and talking to each other. For some reason, Tom found himself wanting to hurt this guy. For as long as Victorie had been here, she never spoke to anyone else. He didn't understand what he was feeling or why but he knew something would have to be done. Tom made a mental image of the boy sitting with Victorie so he would remember him later on...

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