Tensions Rising

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Toms' POV

A diary, that would be Tom's first Horcrux. He chose that first because he already had it, the other objects he wanted would have to leave school grounds to get. So far his list of Horcruxs went like this. The diary, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Salazar Slytherins locket, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, and Helga Huffelpuff's cup. Tom had one other object in mind, one that would likely never be discovered by any person other than himself. What he wanted was almost unheard of. To be honest Tom wasn't certain he would even be able to get to it.

He wanted to make the Wishing Well into a Horcrux, all of the other objects he had in mind were small and well hidden. This one would be rather large not to mention something that only two wizards before him have found. What people don't know about the Well is how dangerous it really is, that's why there are so many protections around it. To find the Well is to have power over almost everything. Tom knew where it was located all ready but not the exact spot. The thought has crossed his mind for him to simply find it and wish for immortality and power. But that was before he learned the wish would only come true if you could prove others would gain from it too.

Tom was smart enough to probably pull that off but he decided to go with something more assuring and fail proof. Since the Wishing well was so "impossible" to get to it also reassured if in the future someone did discover his Horcruxs, at least one would be completely safe.

Victories' POV

Victorie had taken the liberty of watching Tom a lot closer. Keeping an eye on what he was doing, but as it turns out that's not really an easy task. Tom's very secretive and very careful. Victorie had also begun talking to Markus a lot more too. Markus sort of reminded her of Ron the way he acted.

She missed Hermione, Harry and Ron tremendously. Victorie often thought of what was happening back in her time and still wished she could contact them someway.

Victorie had been in Voldemort's time for nearly a month now, but still felt she was nowhere close to finding the Well's location. Of course that's more than likely why Dumbledore gave her a year and not a month. She had just assumed it would have been a lot simpler than it has been so far. All of those times she spent strategizing with Dumbledore, Victorie thought Tom would be a lot more persuadable as a teenager, and that what Dumbledore was saying about Tom was just from his point of view. Unfortunately for her, she's been proved terribly wrong.

Christmas was also coming soon. Victorie knew Tom wouldn't go back to the orphanage when he could stay at Hogwarts, so it would be the perfect opportunity to try and get a little closer to him seeing as the castle was practically deserted during the Christmas holidays.

Victorie would also be grateful for Christmas so she would get a break from homework and classes. She had never spoken to Dumbledore about how all of that would work but Victorie had guessed he wanted her to continue as it were in her own time with regular classes. N.E.W.Ts was not something she wanted to be thinking of right now and what help was it to her passing them anyway? She was 55 years back in time, it's not like her results are going to be forwarded to her own time.

But regardless she still did her best on the assignments and tried to pay attention in class. All of that along with trying to get some information out of Tom was really starting to get to her. Victorie hadn't slept well in a long time nor had she been eating much.

Victorie was now sitting in the common room, where she spends most of her time, with books surrounding her. Half were for homework the other she got to see if there was anything possibly useful in them. Victorie thought for a moment that she was becoming just like Hermione. It was 7:30 in the morning and she had been up since 4:00.

In that time Victorie had managed to finish four classed worth of homework and found some very useful information on the Well. It said nothing about where it was but did mention some of the protective enchantments around it, well one new piece of information. Apparently the first thing you have to get past is a lake filled with "dangerous" creatures. The book wasn't specific as to what they were but she was sure it wasn't anything she's fancy coming across.

Victorie closed the book and rested her head on the back of the couch. She was half ready to fall asleep when she heard a voice causing her to jump awake. "Why are you always down here surrounded by books?" Tom asked her descending the stairs. "I have a lot of work to do." She said drowsily. "No one else in this entire school seems to have has much 'work' as you do." He said sounding suspicious. "Have you been watching me or something?" Victorie asked smirking a little. "Hard not to seeing as I can't avoid coming into the common room and your always in here." Tom stated with his usual emotionless face.

"Well I apologize for always being in your view." She said with sarcasm in her voice. Tom ignored her. "Why are you always up so early?" Victorie asked raising an eyebrow. "I have prefect duties." He said simply. "I'm sure the first years know their way to the Great Hall by now and it's obvious you don't really care about your prefect duties." Victorie said earning an angry glare from Tom. "It's none of your business." Tom said to her.

"Well what I do is none of your business." She said back with the same tone of voice as him. Victorie normally would have pressed it this far but she tired and becoming very agitated with him. "I'm becoming very sick of you and your bitchy attitude, you stupid girl." Tom too was becoming stressed and no longer wanted to put up with Victorie.

Victorie had now stood up and walked up to Tom staring directly in his cold dark eyes. Victorie felt as though she could punch Tom in the face but was smart enough not to.

They were both face to face just inches apart staring each other down. Victorie pushed him away from her hard and losing his temper Tom slapped her. Going against what her mind was telling her to do, she hit him back.

Neither one of them knew as of that moment they were being watched. "Well, I never would have thought I'd see this sight!" Came the voice of Professor Slughorn, who was standing in the portrait whole. Victorie and Tom both turned on the spot to face him. "What's got into the two of you?" Slughorn asked them. "It was a small argument, I started the whole thing." Victorie said because it was partly true.

Tom deciding now was the perfect time to pretend to be the good boy again put on his best act. "No Professor, the blame is all mine. I should have never hit her and I regret it deeply. I was simply stressed and acted without thinking," then Tom turned to Victorie and put a gentle hand on the place where he hit her. "I'm really sorry, you are okay aren't you?" He said in a voice that sounded sweet and caring but where Professor Slughorn couldn't see he flashed her a look that basically said 'if you don't play along with this I'll kill you.'

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry I hit you too." Victorie said in her sweetest voice acting just like him. "Ah well, I see you two didn't mean it to happen but I'm afraid I will have to give you some punishment. Detention with me should do; eight o'clock tonight in my office. That'll give you two sometime to get to know each other better." Slughorn stated.

Get to know each other better?

Victorie sighed and nodded her head. Tom went off with Professor Slughorn, claiming to have a few questions on something, and Victorie headed up stairs. The last thing she needed was to waste time in detention...

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