Falling Apart Under a Moonlit Sky

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Victorie was sitting in the library when she saw something very odd near the shelf in front of her. It was like a red light orb floating in mid air. Curious, Victorie got up and walked a little closer to it. She reached her hand out slowly as if to grab it. As soon as her fingers touched it, the thing exploded into dust leaving only a piece of parchment in her hand. Victorie first looked around to make sure no one saw or heard what had just happened then unfolded the parchment and read what was written:

Victorie, I miss you so much and I really hope you get this letter. I'm not sure if you will be able to send anything back or not. What's going on there? Do you know where the wishing well is yet? Voldemort-or er Tom hasn't hurt you in any way has he? I really hope your safe. I can't believe your doing all of this just for me, if I had know I would have never let you go. Hermione and Ron miss you too. They don't know the truth about where you are though, Dumbledore told me not to mention anything to them. Oh by the way the spell to send a letter back is melenium experito Dumbledore wasn't for sure if it would word but it wouldn't hurt to try. I can't wait to see you agian - Harry

Victorie couldn't hide her smile after reading Harry's letter. She had missed him and everyone back in her time so much. Victorie hadn't seen Mark around for a while and that made her miss all of her friends that much more. Victorie grabbed a piece of parchment and began to write back.

I'm so glad to hear from you, I was beginning to think maybe all of this was a really weird dream. I've missed you all so much, tell Hermione and Ron I said so for me. And to answer your question I'm doing fine here. I know you're not going to want to hear this but Tom isn't horrible. He hasn't hurt me at all, he actually surprises me with how he acts. But don't worry, I know it's not real. I still have no clue where the Wishing Well is. If you write back can you have Dumbledore give me some advice on what to do? I have a lot of questions I have to ask but I want to see if this message actually gets back to you first. I would hate for someone here to accidentally get it. And don't worry about me, I've got everything under control. I won't leave until I know where that bloody Well is. I never wanted you to find out about this in case something went wrong. Just please know, that no matter what I love you like a brother. -Victorie

Victorie folded it up and sat it on the ground before retrieving her wand. "Melenium experito." She said reciting the spell Harry told her to use. Nothing happened. Disappointed she tried again. Still nothing. This went on for another five minutes until the the parchment started to light up. But unlike when Victorie had got the letter it was blue. It disappeared moments later leaving behind a trail of smoke. Victorie walked back over to the table she was sitting at and gathered her things before heading to the Great Hall for lunch. Victorie went to the Slytherin table and sat at the end by herself. Her thoughts were filled with Harry's letter until she noticed Tom walk in. It was the first time Victorie had seen him since what happened the other night. She continued to glance at Tom as he took a set at the other end of the table. He never once made any attempt to notice Victorie. Feeling slightly disappointed she tried to distract herself by looking around the Great Hall.  She sat there for another fifteen minutes until Tom stood up and left. But not before throwing a folded up letter in her direction. Victorie read it under the table being careful not to let anyone else see.

Meet me outside, near the lake. midnight.

Victorie had no idea why Tom wanted her to meet nor did she care. What she did know, is that she was going.

Present Time

Dumbledore had called for Harry as soon as Victorie's letter arrived. However reading the last part made him feel worse than anything. 'I love you like a brother' Harry had been playing those words over and over in his head. Everything he felt became anger. "What if she starts to have...feelings for him." Harry said to Dumbledore. "And what he falls for her, he'd be and idiot not to." Harry added. "What if they start to love each other so much that when she comes back Victorie hates all of us." He continued. "Voldemort can not love. He was conceived under a love potion making it impossible. If Tom would feel anything for her besides hatred it would be infatuation. Which is nothing like love. When you love someone nothing matters but them. Infatuation is when all the person cares about is having the other person, at whatever cost. I don't believe our Victorie would ever fall for such things." Dumbledore told Harry. If only he knew how wrong he was...

Victories' POV

That night Victorie got no sleep waiting for midnight to finally come. She snuck out of her dorm and made it outside to the lake unseen. Tom was sitting in the grass facing the water. Victorie walked up beside him and sat down. "Why did you want me to meet you here?" She asked him. "I wanted to tell you that I don't like you. I didn't mean to kiss you and I don't want anything to do with you." He said to her, not taking his eyes from where they were. "You couldn't have just wrote that down? Why have me come all the way out here to say that?" Victorie asked him. "Maybe I just like to see people hurt." He a sneered at her. "I don't believe that." She told him. Tom stood up and was about to walk away before Victorie stopped him. "I don't care what you believe." She hopped up and grabbed is wrist still not letting him leave. "You're lying." Victorie said. "And what exactly makes you think that you can hurt me?" She added. "That look in your eyes right now. I've seen it before. You put on a tough act to hide all the pain you feel, but it doesn't work. It's obvious how you really feel." Tom answered her. "And I see a guy who's so afraid of feeling something other then hate he can't even admit what he really feels!" Victorie shouted. Tom continued to walk away like he didn't even hear a word she said. This time she didn't say a word but let him walk. Only Tom stopped and just stood still frozen for a moment. Victorie had absolutely no idea what he was doing. It became clear though when he started back towards her. Tom was either planning on hitting her or kissing her. Victorie didn't move but welcomed whatever was to come.

Tom grabbed her face and pressed his lips to hers. Victorie kissed back instantly tangling her fingers in Tom's hair. There was a small voice in the back of her mind that kept reminding her how wrong this was. But it was ignored completely. Right now nothing in the world mattered more to her than Tom kissing her. Not the Wishing Well, not Harry, not anything.  Victorie knew that it probably meant absolutly nothing to Tom and that he was more then likely just using her but in that moment she didn't care.

They both came back to reality and pulled away from each other. Tom didn't make a move to leave though which shocked her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest. Tom didn't hug back but he didn't pull away. Victorie had finally made some progress with him. But at what cost?

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