A Spark of the Fire

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The ice cold water caused a pain to travel through Victories' entire body. She tried to swim her way back up to the surface but couldn't. After a couple more failed attempts she gave up and let her body sink lower. For the slightest of moment the thought that she was going to die filled Victories' mind. But then she felt what had to have been Tom, grab her arm and pull her up with him.

They both rose to the surface at the same time gasping for air. Looking around Victorie noticed that the giant wolf or whatever it was, had left. Not wanted to spend another second in the water Tom and Victorie swam to the shore of the lake shivering the entire way. "That makes twice I've saved your life in one night." Tom said as they reached the grass. "I'm aware of that." She answered back.

Tom and Victorie didn't talk anymore as they walked for what seemed like hours to them, back to the castle. Once inside Victorie realised it was already one in the morning. Victorie didn't feel as if they had been gone for five hours.

When she reached the common room Victorie went straight to the fireplace not caring that her clothes were still dripping with water. Victories' normally tan skin was replaced by a pale almost blue color and her face was bright red from the cold. "Do you know who it was?" Victorie asked Tom as sat down beside her staring at the flames. "Who what was?" he said back to her. "I'm not as stupid as you think, it was an animagous." Victorie stated. "No, I don't know who it was but it can't be anyone from Hogwarts." Tom told her. "Why not?" she asked him curiously. "Because no one here is that advanced in magic." He said as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"Well, thank you...for saving my life...twice." Victorie said. Tom didn't reply back but just continued to look at the fire. "I figured if I didn't somehow I would have got the blame for it." Tom said after a moment of silence. "So you don't care that I lived even the least bit? I mean with me gone who would have to annoy?" Victorie said teasingly.

Toms' POV

"Well, thank you...for saving my life...twice." Victorie said. Tom didn't reply back but just continued to look at the fire. Why did he save her? He doesn't actually care about her... he can't. Tom doesn't care about anyone she's not an exception. He's using her, that's all. Tom thought to himself before answering with, "I figured if I didn't somehow I would have got the blame for it."

"So you didn't care that I lived even the least bit? I mean with me gone who would have to annoy?" He heard Victorie say back to him. Tom really thought about that for a moment and came to conclusion he would miss her. There was just something about her that he didn't see in any one else. For one Victorie wasn't scared to talk back to him like all the others were. "Not a bit." He answered back with a lie. "Oh whatever, you know you'd miss me." Victorie said jokingly. Tom would never admit it to anyone, or his self but deep down he knew that was true.

Victories' POV

Victorie and Tom spent the next hour just lying beside the fire, neither of them talking. But it wasn't an awkward type of silence, if anything it was peaceful. Victorie glanced to her left and stared at Tom. His normally combed back hair had fallen into his face, and he had a different look in his eyes. One Victorie had never seen before. She couldn't think of the words to describe it. Victorie, in that moment just didn't see the boy next to her as Voldemort but more as who he truly was; Tom Riddle.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Tom asked turning to face her. "Kiss me." The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. Tom looked at her with a weird expression on his face at first but then pressed his lips to hers. Victorie kissed back immediately, she felt a tingling in her stomach that she had never experienced before. Tom pulled away first, a confused somewhat angry look on his face. But for some reason, in that moment, Victorie did not regret what she had said or what they had just did. She felt something that was entirely foreign to her, and she hoped to feel it again.

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