Good Morning Death Threats

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Victorie woke up the next morning to have everything come rushing back to her as she saw the green and silver colours instead of her usual red and gold. Sighing she got out of the bed and changed into her school robes. Glancing at the time she noticed it was still pretty early. Victorie decided to wander down to the common room just to see if Tom was there. Since he was a prefect he probably got up earlier to make sure the first years got to the Great hall for breakfast. Not that he would actually care, but according to what she saw last night in Dipetts office he wants to portray the perfect little good boy.

Victorie had guessed right, for when she got to the last step she saw him sitting on the black leather couch. She walked over and sat down beside him keeping somewhat of a distance though. "Good morning." She said keeping her focus on the fire. "What do you want?" Was his harsh and expected reply. "I just said good morning. The nice reply would have been a simple nod in my direction." Victorie said glancing at him from the corner of her eye to see he was staring at her.

She decided to play it like this at first but if it didnt work she would go back to what Dumbledore said by not engaging with him until he makes a move. But this seemed to be working, well in a way at least. "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?" Tom asked, raising his voice. "Im Victorie D-Stevens." She said getting up. "Why do you think youre so big and bad I would be afraid to talk to you like that, Tommy?" She said continuing this image. Walking in front of him she playfully patted his cheeks. That may have been going just a little too far.

Tom grabbed her wrist and held onto it as tight as he could and stood up pointing his wand at her. "Dont you ever talk to me like that again, you stupid little girl!" He shouted gripping her wrist even tighter. Victorie pretended it didnt hurt but really she felt she could scream in pain. Gaining her courage back she tried to jerk her arm away from him. "I'm not a little girl." She said looking directly into his eyes, remembering to use the Occlumency Snape taught her in case he decided to look through her mind. Tom then pushed her into the wall behind them hard causing her to gasp from the pain of her back hitting the brick wall. "Since your new here Ill simply give a warning. Say something like that to me again Ill kill you. Tell anyone what I just said, Ill kill you." He said walking out of the common room.

"Well, I've talked to him for less than a minute and he already wants to kill me, way to make progress Victorie." She mumbled to herself plopping back down on the couch rubbing her wrist where he grabbed. So that may have not been the way to act. Regretting it, she wished she had done what Dumbledore said. 

Skipping breakfast, Victorie went straight to her first class of the day which was Transfiguration. It would be really odd seeing Professor Dumbledore as a teacher instead of the Headmaster. She decided that she wouldnt talk to Tom anymore unless he spoke to her first. What she did earlier was a pretty stupid move that could have caused her to end up dead then.

All during class she watched Tom carefully. He was exceptionally bright but Dumbledore didnt seem to like him that much but she was sure the feeling was mutual. In potions class with Slughorn, Tom was definitely what you would call the teachers pet. He would answer basically ever question and of course get it right. Tom could even out do Hermione and thats defiantly saying something.

But Victorie felt she was making absolutely no progress in what really mattered. When she saw Tom head into the library after lunch she thought of taking a different approach. Victorie followed him in but got a book of her own off the shelf and pretended to read it. Though occasionally, her eyes would wander to wherever Tom was. For a second his eyes caught hers and she immediately pulled the book back up to cover her face.

Too late, at that exact moment Tom was walking over to the table where she was sitting. "What were you staring at?" He asked sitting in front of her. "N-nothing." Victorie said barley glancing at him from the top of her book. "You're scared of me now arent you?" Tom said as more of statement than question.  "Why would I be scared of you?" Victorie asked putting her book down. He simply smirked but said nothing. "I'm not planning on killing you if that makes you feel any better. At least not if you remember what I told you, I wont be talked to like that and dont ever slap me in the face again." Tom said in a low voice in case anyone overheard.

"I didnt slap you, I playfully hit you and its not like it could have hurt you." Victorie said glancing around the library. It was almost empty since most people were still down in the Great Hall. "Why do you act like such a jerk?" Victorie asked when he didnt say anything back. "You'll eventually find out." Tom said getting up from the table and walking out of the library. "Thats another major fail, wonder what the next stupid thing I say will be?" Victorie thought to herself.

Victorie left the library a little bit after Tom did and went to the Slytherin common room. Her next class would have been Astronomy but even in her own time she always blew it off, so she saw no point in going in this time. Victorie sat on the couch and eventually fell asleep.

She was woken up about two hours later by someone shaking her roughly. Opening her eyes she saw Tom. "Get up, and dont make me say it twice." He said in his usual moody voice. Victorie sat up and glared at Tom. "You dont have to be so rude all the time." She said in a soft voice. "You dont have to be so annoying all the time." Tom said with an angry glint in his eyes.

Without saying another word Victorie left to go up to her dorm. She took a quill and marked another day gone. Victorie had thought it would be wise to kept check to make sure she drank the second potions on the right day. Victorie defiantly didnt want to stay here forever.

364 days left until she would return to her own time hopefully with the knowledge of where the Wishing well was. As she lay down on her four-poster bed she had no idea that in her own time things werent going so well either. In fact you could say that it was even worse...

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