Chapter Three

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The man suddenly turned and faced me and we made eye contact and when we did it was like time had suddenly stopped around the two of us.

Paul's POV

I was hanging out with the boys at the boardwalk like always. You know fooling around and having fun but tonight felt different like some encounter would happen but I didn’t let it bother me. Me and the boy decided to hang out on our bikes to see somebody to feed on so far, we found a surf Nazis couple to feed on. I was brought out of my thoughts when I hear Marko and Dwayne talking about a girl how she looked new here. I suddenly felt like I was being watched so I looked to my right and see a beautiful woman with long black hair and striking green eyes and nice scene of style. But at the same time, she looked very familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I looked into her eyes I felt like time stopped and that it was only us that was in our little world but sadly things must come to an end. What I mean by this is Marko nearly pushed me off my bike.

 “What the Hell Man! What was that for” I say to Marko.

Marko says to me “Dude we’ve been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes.”

“oh, sorry man what did you guys need” I say to the boys.

David says to me “what do you think about that girl?”

“She’s okay I guess.” I say to them acting like I didn’t care

“Oh, really now, the way you were looking at her say differently.” David say giving me a smug look

   Marko and Dwayne just laugh and I say to the “Come on guys give me a break!”

 Davis says “Okay boy’s lets go feed.” We all agreed and started our bikes. I turned back to see if the woman was still the and she wasn’t. Something inside me was hoping she was still there, maybe I’ll she her here tomorrow and with that me and the boys drove off in to the night.

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