Chapter 6

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(Italics- Thoughts

David's POV

I found what Paul said was strange, he didn't want no one to go with him to feed. Paul has always want all of us or at least Marko to go feed with him. This wasn't like him, maybe it has something to with that girl at the board walk earlier. I saw the way they were looking at each other at the board walk maybe they're mates? Well I will just have to ask Paul when he gets back.

(Time Skip 2 Hours Later)

Paul's POV

I finally get back to the cave with the bloody and unconscious girl in my arms. If you didn't know better you would think she was dead, but I could hear heart beat it was slow almost not beating. I kept saying to her "stay with me." and "your strong baby, you can do it." It seemed to work and that's all that mattered to me in that moment. I walk in our cave and call the boys for help.

Guys help Me! I yelled

Paul what happened. Marko says while running up to me.

They all stared at the uncounted girl in my arms.

Paul what's going on? Why did you bring her hear? David says to me.

I will explain everything later, but please get the bottle for me! I say as I lay her on a spare bed we had in the cave.

Why? Do you plan on making her one of us without my say so? David said to me.

David, I beg to you let me do this, I never ask you for anything, but I can't lose her. Ill take responsibility for her. I pleaded with David.

Fine, Marko go get the bottle. David says to Marko.

Marko hands me the bottle I opened the bottle and put the blood in my mouth and raised her head up and kissed her and made sure took all the blood. When she does I lay her back down and asked David, how long do you think it'll take for her to wake? I say to David.

Maybe a week or so. David says to me.

Now we wait.

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