Chapter Four

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Alex's POV

It has been almost a month since we moved to Santa Carla. During that time I haven't been able to find a job but still looking. I don't mind being only would have to make money for us so I'm trying to find a job to help her. It's around 7 o'clock and Mom will be getting off in an couple of hours so I decided I will make dinner for her since she's been working so hard for us. As I was in the middle of cooking I heard the front door open so I went to go see who it was and just so happened to the mom I look at the clock and shows at 8:45 and say to her you're home early.

Yeah Max let me take off early she says to me.

Oh ok well I am fixing dinner if you want to help me I tell her.

Of course I'll help you honey she says to me.

Thanks Mom.

We go to the kitchen to finish up making dinner. As we're cooking mom asked me if I found a job yet.

No not yet I say to her.

Well you need to start trying harder she tells me.

I stop everything thing I'm doing and turn and look at her.

What do you mean I need to start trying harder, I go out every day all day looking for a job it's not my fault I told her.

Well I'm tired of being the only one making money around here, and if you work harder to get a job maybe you would have one she tells me.

I am trying! I quit college so I can help you, Michael and Sam to move here start a new life after the divorce! By this point I was pissed off at her.

You don't yell at me! you probably haven't been trying probably out partying and sleeping around like your father! she yells at me

(I don't know why the mom and dad got a divorce but for the sake of the story just go with it.)

I can't believe she just said that to me she knows I hate Dad after what he did to her and she says this to me.

I can't believe think I'm that kind of person I said her.

Alex I didn't mean to say that I'm sorry she says to me while trying to hug me.

No you're said too much as I move away from her and run out the door.

Alex! Mom tells at me from the door trying to get me to come back but I don't look back I just keep running. It was completely pitch black outside I was crying so much I can barely see where I was running. I was a far distance away from the house but still continue to cry it hurt what she said to me as I was thinking this. I didn't realize the truck headed right at me by the time I realized it was too late for you to move the truck hit me. The truck drove off leaving me there and the middle of nowhere, as I lay there on the ground and my vision blurry I thought I was going to die there but so hit me up and all I could see that person was blonde hair and blue eyes and just before I fell unconscious I heard the person say to me.

Come on baby stay with me, don't you dare leave me.

With that I feel unconscious to a world full of darkness.

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