Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

*I stare at the four men in bewilderment* You're joking right? Vampires don't even exist, that's hilarious Paul. But seriously how did you save me?

Paul: I'm telling you the truth Alex, we are vampires-

David- Let's show our new little sister that we are telling the truth huh boys? *he smiles wickedly as Marco and Dwayne cheer in excitement*

Paul: David She's not ready!

David: I don't give a fuck if she is ready or not got it? What I say goes Paul.

*David grabs me roughly by my arm and drags me out of the cave to their motorcycles*

Paul: You can ride with me Alex

Alex: O-Okay

*I get on Paul's motorcycle and we drive off towards the beach to a group of Surf Nazis at a bonfire basting Aerosmith and when we get off the motercycles and hide in the tree's*

David: It's time Alex to see what you are now.

*he laughs wickedly as him and the other show their true forms to me and fly towards the Surf Nazi's and attacks them.* 

Blood is spraying everywhere as I feel a hunger grow strongly, I feel my teeth sharpen and grow longer at the sight of blood. The hunger grows to strong and I see a lone Surf Nazi hiding hehind a huge rock and I fly over to him and sink my razor sharp fangs into his neck savoring the taste of his blood, draining him dry as I throw him to the ground I feel euphoric but that is cut short by laughter a clapping coming up from the hill where David, Paul, Marco and Dwayne are all at smirking at me.

David: Now you see what we are, now you know what you are Alex you are one of us, a Lost Girl you will never grow old Alex, you will never die but you must feed!

I stand there as everything sinks into my brain, I am a monster that can go back to being human...what about my family? What will happen to them?

Paul: *he walks down the hill and stands in front of me* I know what you're thinking Alex, you will have to cut ties to your family.

Alex: But why?!

Paul: You will most likely kill them in your new born state.

Alex: I-I'll Kill them? No I would never do that!!! *I yell at him*

Paul: I thought the same thing when I first got turned but I did what I thought I wouldn't do, I slaughtered them all.

Alex: Oh my god…

As I try to not think about the possibility of what I could do to my family my thoughts are interrupted by David

David: The sun will be rising soon, Let's get back to the cave everyone.

The boys start heading back to their motorcycles when Paul notices I am still standing there in shook

Paul: Let's go home love *he holds his hand out for me to take and without a seconds thought I grab his warm hand and we head back to the cave*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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