Chapter 7

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Michael’s pov

Sam and I finally got back to grandpa house around midnight. I couldn’t stop thinking about Star, she’s so beautiful. We enter the house and me and Sam see mom crying and I ask her “mom what wrong, where is Alex?”

“We got into a fight and she ran off somewhere, it’s been four hours now.” She says to us.

“What did you two fight about?” Sam asks mom.

“I said to her she needs to start trying harder to get a job. Then we started yelling at each other and I said to her that she’s probably patting and sleeping around with guys she would probably be able to get a job then.” Mom was crying harder by this point.

“Mom! Why would you say that to her, you know she doesn’t do that stuff. Alex hates dad for sleeping around with all the women when you guys were married.” I say to mom.

“I know, I know I regret it terribly.” Mom says

“Should we go look for her.” Sam says to the both of us

“No, she be back later today or tomorrow. okay?” I say to Sam

“I agree let’s go to sleep she’ll be back.” Mom says

Okay, me an Sam said

We went to our rooms and laid in bed, I thought to myself (Alex where are you and come back soon.)

With that I feel asleep.

If I only knew what was in for us all.

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