Chapter 8

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One Week Later

Alex's POV

Darkness... that's all I see, am I dead? Wait whose voices am I hearing?

???: Its been a week and she still hasn't woken up yet. The man says worriedly

???: she's still breathing isn't she, another man says nonchalantly

(What a dick I think to myself.)

???: David shut the fuck up would you, the man growls at him.

David: watch what you say to me Paul, the man David hisses at him.

I hear someone walking towards me and sit next to me. I didn't realize till now I'm laying I'm assuming a bed. My thoughts were broken when the person stokes my hair till there warm hand cups my cheek. They say to me but more to themselves.... Please wake up. That voice its I'm assuming is Paul. For some reason I find the energy to open my eyes and when I do I see a man looking down worriedly at me. then it hits me he's the one from the boardwalk.

I go to raise up but to receive massive pain in my head, I groan in pain.

Paul: Careful here lay back down, he gently lays me back down on the bed

Alex: urgh what happened, where am I. I ask with my voice raspy from the lack of water

(I look to see I'm in a cave.)

Paul: You were hit by a vehicle when I found you, you were almost dead do you not remember?

Alex: No all I remember is getting in to a fight with my mother and ran off after that nothing, I say with my voice still raspy.

A man came with short curly blond hair comes over to us and give me what to dink and I thank him.

(I drink down the cool liquid and it immediately sooth my throat)

I look over to see two more men, a man with spiky blond hair sitting on a wheel chair smoking and the other with long black hair silently watching us.

Alex: I look back to the man sitting next to me, and I ask him

Who are you people?

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