Chapter Five

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N/A: I am sorry I haven't updated in forever I'm not dead, with that said let's get on with the story!

Paul's' s POV

When me and the gang left the board walk something was telling me not to leave. I didn't want to leave her but I had to, as we got to our cave I started to get a feeling something bad was going to happen. Why won’t this feeling go away. I had this desire to see that girl I saw at the board walk and make sure she was safe. That’s what exactly what I did, but as I was about to head out of the cave I hear David call out to me.

Where you going Paul? David says to me.

Going out to feed, I say to him lying to him.

Oh, really, we’ll all go with you then he says to me.

No! I want to go alone this time I hope you guys understand. I say to the guys.

That’s fine see you when you get back, Marco says to me

I smile at them and run out of the cave to my motorcycle and head back to the boardwalk with the only thing on my mind is I hope she’s safe.

Time Skip to the boardwalk

I have searched the entire boardwalk, and still can’t find her until I smell her sent (I am making vampires have heighted sense of smell like werewolves just go with it okay) the smell roses and lavender (cliché I know) and I followed her sent until I was on a lone dirt road. While driving I started to smell blood and I know then it’s her blood and I stop my motorcycle and fly towards to where the smell of blood is coming from. When I finally get there what I see my blood run cold, there she is laying on the ground covered in blood. I land next to her and cradle her in my arm as I did this she looked up at me breathing hard. I say to her “come on baby stay with.” And with that she fell unconscious I can still her heart beating but barely. All I could think of is that I couldn’t lose her and I didn’t know why, she’s just a human and as vampires we don’t care if a human dies but she’s different and deep in my heart I couldn’t let her die. I picked her up and fly back to the cave and I knew what I had to do.

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