Chapter 6

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-Harry's POV-

"Mr. Styles? There is someone here to see you."

"Let them in. But they must be as quiet as possibly. Darcy is asleep." The nurse nods and opens the door allowing the person to come in.

"Hi Harry." She screams.

God damnit Taylor.

"Damnit Taylor." I say.

"Sorry babe. But she's asleep. She can't hear anything."

-Darcy's POV-

"Sorry babe. But she's asleep. She can't hear anything." I look over to my dad and see his "girlfriend" Taylor.

"Taylor. You do know I broke up with you about a year ago right?"

"No you didn't silly. Remember what happened last night."

"No I don't. Not with you at least. I was here with Darcy."

"No you weren't. You were at my house."

"Taylor please get out."

"Why babe. I am her mother."

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream.

"Darcy. Please baby calm down. I don't want to loose you again."

"Well. I don't want to be her 'daughter'. She is the biggest bitch I've ever seen. Daddy. Please don't make her stay."

"I won't princess. Taylor please get out."

"You never called me princess."

"Because I never really cared." I held back my chuckle. "Just please get out."


"Excuse you."

"Harry can you give us a minute please." I silently beg him to not leave but he nods and kisses my nose and walks out. "Listen here you little bitch. Harry is mine and I will make him forget about you. I will ruin you. I will make sure you die." She brings her hands up to my neck. "Don't make too much noise when I kill you."

"Daddyyy!!!! Dad!! Dadddyyy! Dad! Daddy! Dad help me. DADDYYY HELP ME!!!" I scream. Dad come running in and pushes Taylor away from me.

"Taylor. Get. Out. Now."

"Over my dead body."

"THAT CAN BE ARRANGED!" I scream. I grab the scalpel and throw it at her.

"You little fucked up piece of shit. You do not throw stuff at me!!" She screams in my face. "I will make you pay."

"You said over your dead body. So I would love to help you with that." I lift up my hand and smack her in the face. "You will never win Taylor. I'm 14 and I'm already winning. You're just mad because I'm 14 and I have more fans then you have ever had."

"Well then. I think it's time for someone to die." She pulls out a pocket knife from her purse and walks closer to me.

"Taylor. I think this isn't a good idea."

"Fuck off Styles."

"Which one?" I ask.

"Ha ha very funny. Now shut the fuck up." As soon as Taylor is about to take her final step towards me dad jumps on her and the pocket knife flies to my side of the room just where I can reach it.

While this is all playing out Niall and Zayn come into the room and Niall comes over to me while Zayn calls security. They come in and Taylor is taken away.

"Be prepared to be in jail for the next 90 years!" I yell as she is taken away.

"What did she do to you baby?"

"While you were out she threatened to choke me to death. And I don't really want to talk about it right now if that's possible."

"Of coarse."

-Niall's POV-

She looked so broken. So distant.

"Darcy? Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Yes. No. I don't know."

"Come 'ere." I hold out my arms taking her embrace. Se was so small. So fragile. I felt so bad.

"Niall? Don't you want to be out with your friends. Josh? Deo? Ashton?"

"Not really. You are why I love to do what I do. I have always waned someone like you. But that came a little soon. But I didn't care. I think I was the most excited person out of everyone."


"Yea. You do know I love you Darcy right?"

"Yes. I love you too Nialler."

We continue to hug and in comes Simon.



"Don't you sass me boy."

"Remember I'm the one who recorded you say that you wanted to kill this poor little girl."

"She's not little. She 14."

"What do you want anyway?"

"Your tour started 3 weeks ago!"

"I don't care." I start. "Darcy is everyone's to priority right now. One Direction was fun while it lasted but I'm quitting."

"Niall. Don't do this for me. I'll be just fine."

"Darcy. Just let me handle this." I say to her. "Simon. I think the boys would agree with me that you could care less about this angel then you do anything else. So. If I'm leaving you can find another Niall Horan. Cause this one is done with putting up with all your shit. Darcy has been suffering for the last 2 months. Please just leave."

He walks up to me and gets in my face. "This is the worst decision you've ever made." He raises his hand and swings.

"STOP!" Darcy screams. "Just stop."

"Child you are a worthless little shit. Your father never even wanted you. He told me he never wanted you. He said 'Simon I never wanted a baby. Please help m-"


"Excuse me?"

"Yea excuse you. You lousy bitch get out of my room!"

"You good for nothing little slut."

"I swear to God Simon if you lay one hand on my child I will murder you." Harry walks in with the rest of the boys.

He slaps Darcy hard with his right hand. Then after what he has done he covers his mouth in shock.

"Darcy I am so sorry."

"Daddy remember I will always love yo-" Her sentence is cut off by the flatline of the monitor.

"SIMON!! YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER NOW IT'S TIME FOR ME TO KILL YOU!" Harry jumps onto Simon and wraps his hands around his neck. Louis, Liam, and Zayn pull Harry off Simon. He sits up crying. No bawling. "Look what you did. You did this. You killed my daughter. What did you say to her? What did he do?" He directs the the question to me.

"He said that you never even wanted Darcy in the first place."

"Okay. Simon you have 3 seconds to get out of this room or I will throw you out of the window head first making sure to hit your head on the brick outside. 1!2!3!" He didn't move. "Alright you had your chance. Goodbye." Harry stands up and grabs Simon.

"Harry. No!" Louis says. "Look!"

OMG I am so so so so so sorry I haven't updated. Please forgive me. But anyway it is Harry's 20th birthday.

STOP GROWING UP BOYS!!! They are officially a man-band. I don't like the feel of that. I liked boy-band better.

Okay anyway Happy Birthday Harry!


Love like always.


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