Chapter 5

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True to her word, the woman, I now knew her as Maria, drove me across London in her smaller carriage in search of the Phantomhive Manor. The ride wasn't as jarring as the one to her home had been, but that was probably because then we had been maneuvering over hills and dirt. This time around, we were driving over a paved road. It was much smoother a ride.

Once we finally arrived at the manor, I had Maria stop a little ways back. I don't know why, but I didn't want my father to see me with a scientist. He hadn't let me leave home since Mom was killed. He'd go into an outrage with me being out here at all.

I got out of the carriage, and was turning to go when I heard Maria speak up. "So I guess this is it."

I peered over at her, and shook my head. "Those hunters will always be trying to kill me, and other scientists won't rest until they know exactly what I am. I may need your help later on. Can I come back to you if I need you?"

Maria smiled brightly. "Of course you can. You're always welcome."

I thanked her, and she said goodbye before driving away.

I waved to her until she was out of sight, then made my way toward the manor. I was almost there when I suddenly froze. I had just been hit with the realization that I had no reason to be there. The Earl would never believe that I was his butler's daughter. And I had changed in appearance so much in the past two years; there was a good chance my father wouldn't recognize me.

I checked the area for people before flying up onto the roof. I couldn't risk thinking out in the open, and it was the only place that most people probably wouldn't look.

I considered telling the Earl that I was interested in a job if he could give me one, but if he turned me down, then that was it. I wouldn't have the chance to stay with my father. I would be done. I could also simply tell him I was searching for a bed for the night. I appeared as if I'd been sleeping on the ground, and it was a believable story for someone to be homeless and look for a place to stay, right?

I decided I would just ask to stay the night, then try to get the Earl to pity me and give me a job. It seemed as if it was the only way that gave me a chance. I glanced out into the distance, and saw a carriage of hunters circling in the late afternoon traffic. I had to hide here, unless I wanted to die tonight.

I jumped down from the roof, took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. A few moments went by, and I was about to knock again when the door opened, revealing a very tall butler with black hair, red-brown eyes, and a solid black tailcoat.

"Yes?" he asked, eyeing me.

"Uh, hello," I said, shuffling my feet. I had suddenly become nervous. "I've been living on my own for awhile, and it's getting really cold, so I was just wondering if perhaps I might be able to stay here until morning?"

The butler looked me over once more, then he gave me a gentle smile. "Please, come in." He opened the door wider, and held it while I walked inside. He closed the door. "Follow me," he said, then walked down a hall without looking to see if I was following.

Of course, Father, I thought, catching up to him. My heart dropped. Did he really not recognize me?


I had followed my father around the manor until we finally reached Lord Phantomhive's study. I introduced myself as Chrystal, a girl who was orphaned a few months ago and didn't want to live in an old dirty orphanage. I decided that if my father did recognize me, he would admit it when he felt the time was right, but at the moment, I hadn't wanted to face him and hear him order me to go home. I couldn't take that after searching for him for so long. So far, I knew he could sense that I was half demon and something else inhuman. Shouldn't that be enough clues to lead to the knowledge that I'm his daughter he abandoned two years ago just for some kid's soul?

I told them my story, and the Earl introduced himself as Ciel and immediately offered me a bed for the night and asked if I would like a job. He explained that he felt the large manor was understaffed, and that the staff he had at the moment was filled with imbeciles. Shocked, I accepted the job, and Ciel had my father show me to my room.

I was now in the bedroom, staring down at the uniform laid out on the bed. It was blue and white, and, from what my father had told me, matched the other maid's outfit down to the last button. The color disgusted me. I would have to ask if I could wear a black one or something eventually, because this wasn't happening for however long I was supposed to stay here.

I slipped on the dress and walked downstairs as someone knocked on the door of the manor. I stood at the bottom of the staircase and watched my father answer the door. I became curious when he seemed to lower his voice slightly, and I took a step forward.

Dad invited them in, and I instantly recognized them. They were three men, all demon hunters, all searching for me.

When they had their backs turned, my dad gave me a questioning look. I shrugged, pretending not to recognize them. Dad kept looking at me until the men turned to face him. "Chrystal, go tell the young master he has visitors."

I nodded and headed up the stairs, grateful he had sent me away from the men instead of having me stay with them. Maybe he had felt my discomfort.

On my way up to the tell Ciel about his 'guests,' I silently chastised myself. Why hadn't I known they would come here tonight? They were practically circling this place. But how would they know I was coming here? I hadn't told anyone besides Maria and her husband, and they had helped me. They wouldn't have sent them.

I finally reached the study, only managing to get lost for a second when I accidently passed over it. I knocked lightly on the door. A moment later, Ciel called, "Come in," sounding slightly annoyed.

I opened the door and walked in a few steps, then stopped and bowed my head. "Master, you have three visitors downstairs."

He groaned as he stood from his place at his desk. "Who are they?"

"I don't know, sir," I lied. "Sebastian told me to tell you they were here. He didn't tell me who they were." That was another thing; I had to called my father Sebastian for a while.

"Tell them I will be down in a moment," Ciel sighed. I nodded, and left the room, being sure to gently close the door behind me. I could tell I was going to stay as far away from him as possible.

I quickly made my way back down to the main hall and told Sebastian and the guests that Ciel would be down shortly. As I finished speaking, I heard a soft beeping noise. I looked at the three men in fake confusion.

A man pulled out something that appeared similar to a small radio, but I wasn't quite sure. He also pulled out a photograph, then glanced up at me.

"It's her, men," he said with a sly smile. His men smiled as well. "It's the half-blooded demon."

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