Chapter 6

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The men all looked at each other, smiling at their success. While they were distracted, Sebastian glared at me, but when he noticed the look of terror I gave him, his expression changed to sympathy. I wondered if he would let one of his own kind be murdered in his master's manor. As the men pulled out weapons, Sebastian moved in front of me.

"Now why do you think she's a half demon?" he questioned them. "It could simply be a faulty piece of equipment and she happens to look like the demon you're after."

I saw the man check his little radio-like device and double check the picture in his hand. He tried to look at me, but I hid behind my father, trying to appear as if I didn't know what these people were talking about.

Sebastian turned me to face the men, and I held up my act. I looked at the guy in front of me, and he stared intensely into my eyes. I looked away a few moments later.

"You're right," the man muttered.

Dad released me and I ran to get behind him again. I peeked around him at the men.

"The demon in the picture has red eyes and curly hair. This girl here's got hazel eyes and straight hair. Sorry we bothered you."

Idiots, I thought.

Sebastian nodded. "Our master will be down here momentarily to speak with you. I'd suggest telling him of this little incident."

The man who had been doing all the talking nodded and followed Sebastian to a room to wait for Ciel. He returned to me with a look on his face I couldn't read.

"So you are a half-demon," Sebastian said. "I thought so."

I looked down at the ground. "And I know you're a full demon."

Sebastian was quiet. I looked up at him and he said, "How come they are after you? Did you do anything wrong?"

I shook my head. They just saw me and decided I was going to be their next target. I didn't do anything to them. I swear."

Dad nodded. "I believe you."

"So the real reason you came here was to get away from those hunters, correct?"

The voice made me jump at least a foot in the air. I turned to see Ciel standing at the top of the large staircase.

I lowered my head, not to him, but to hide my fear. I felt my voice shaking as I spoke. "I'm sorry, Master. I understand if you want to just throw me in there and have them kill me now."

Dad seemed a little surprised by what I had said. Ciel I couldn't see, but he was quiet, as if he was considering it.

"Not a bad idea," he said after a moment.

I felt my shoulders slump, but stayed where I was while Sebastian took a step toward me, almost as if he wanted to protect me.

"I'll think about it," Ciel stated, then began to descend to staircase. "Sebastian, what room are they in?"

Sebastian showed Ciel to the room, then returned to me. I never lifted my head. "Shouldn't you be in there with him to make sure they don't try to kill him or something?"

Sebastian took his hand and raised my head. "He told me to leave. They won't hurt him."

We were both silent for a moment, my father just staring at me. After a while, I broke the silence.

"Please," I begged, "help me. I don't know what to do." I felt tears sliding down my cheeks.

"You really have been on your own for a while now, haven't you?"

I nodded.

"I could tell. Don't you have anyone you could stay with? A family or friend?"

It took a great deal of effort to not tell him that was what I was trying to do by staying here. I simply shook my head.

"Why not?"

"They killed my mom."

Dad was quiet a moment. Then he said, "I'm sorry for your loss, but I can't help you, Chrystal."

"Please!" I pleaded. "Don't let them get me as well!" I cried, overcome by memories of my mother, the dream I'd had just the night before, and the problem sitting before me: my own father had no idea who I was.

He looked as though he had no idea what to do, so I wiped my eyes, probably glowing red from fury and fear, and looked at him. I slowly nodded, and started to walk back to my room, but I didn't get very far before I heard a door creak open.

I heard the sounds of three gunshots. Each bullet hit me, one in the leg, one in the arm, and one in my chest, just missing my heart.

I screamed, and fell to the floor, the bullets burning me. I heard Sebastian run to the men, and heard some bones break. He has to protect Ciel first... I found myself thinking. But just then, he grabbed me and started running. I felt another bullet hit my leg, and another hit my back, go straight through my folded angel wing, and lodge itself in my chest. I tried to scream, but couldn't, and lost myself to darkness.

Sebastian's Daughter REVISED VERSION (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now