Chapter 13

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"Well, it might take an operation to get the bones back in place," Maria explained after examining the damage to my wing, "and you won't be able to fold it again until we remove the bandages after it's fully healed."

I nodded, thrilled that she was able to help me. Dad was waiting just outside, and I couldn't wait to tell him.

Then a thought occurred to me, and I suddenly asked her desperately, "Can I stay here, then? I can't go back to the manor like that."

"You would be here for a while, and people come and go from here a lot," she answered. "Mostly other scientists who want to share their discoveries and learn what we have figured out. I suppose I could give you a room on the top floor, but I couldn't-"

"I'll take it!" I said, probably a little too quickly. "That is, um, if you don't mind. Hehe...."

Maria laughed. "I would have to give it to you anyway for the first couple of days. I can't just send you on your way right after surgery."

I smiled at her, and for the first time, I was willing to trust a human with my life.

"I'll go tell your father you'll be safe with me." She left the room, and I was alone on the cold, white examination table, feeling slightly like a specimen being experimented on.

I quickly slid off of the table and shook off the feeling, then tiptoed over to the door to hear some of their conversation, but the walls were thick and soundproof.

I walked back over and stood beside the table right as Maria opened the door, and I saw my father for a brief moment. His head was tilted down, and his eyes were closed. He was also slightly frowning.

"He's a little upset about the whole thing," Maria said as she approached me. "He doesn't trust me like you do."

"So......." I spoke up, trying to get her to tell me what else he had told her.

"So he said he'll trust me to fix you up as long as you trust in me, and I have you back to him in a couple of weeks."

I smiled. My father never really had trust issues before now. He knew he could take care of everything he needed to. Perhaps the only reason he was having a hard time was because he wanted me safe, and he didn't want to let Mom down.

"I can repair your other wing as well."

I turned my gaze to her, unable to answer.

She laughed, and I was sure it was from the look of awe on my face.

"I can do something to help your other wing heal faster. It'll be the same thing I do to this one," she gestured toward my broken wing, "so they'll both heal quickly."

I still had no words.

"Is it okay with you if I try it?"

I nodded.

"Wonderful." She glanced over at the door. "I'm going to go prep for your operation. I'll send your father in to say goodbye. I'm sure he needs to get back."

She made her way across the room and opened the door. As she left, my father came in and closed the door behind him.

He walked over and stood next to the table I was sat on. Glancing away from me, he held his head in his hand. "I've really let her down now. I've resorted to trusting a human with your life..."

I hugged him, a small attempt at making him feel better. "Neither of us have let her down. Maria saved me once. I trust her."

Dad didn't respond.

I changed the subject. "And her son is just the cutest!"

He sighed, and gave me a small smile. "You've always loved children, haven't you?"

"Don't you?" I asked, picturing Peter in my mind's eye. "They're so adorable and tiny! I just was to hug 'em!"

"Not really," Dad said, answering my question. "I work for one."

I laughed. "Oh, yeah."

Dad chuckled.

Maria knocked on the door, then opened it a crack. She popped her head in. "Mr. Michaelis, I really should prep Selena for surgery now. I promise she'll come back to you in one piece in a couple of weeks."

Dad looked from Maria to me. I hugged him again, and he hugged me back tightly. He still seemed reluctant to leave.

"I'll be fine," I assured him.

He nodded, kissed my forehead, and then left the room.

Sebastian's Daughter REVISED VERSION (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now