hold this moment in your hands
a rippled pool atop an open palm
and watch droplets roll off your
weathered skinwaterfall
water falling
water hits the groundallow the earth to claim this moment
compress, constrict, confine it
until each drop becomes a diamond
in the roughcrystallise
crystal clear
crystals in your eyesshed this moment like tears of
euphoria, and tell me, does it taste
like love on your wet lips? now
swallow it wholebreathe
breathe deep
breathe life into your lungsfeel this moment fill the cavities
within your aching soul, a remedy
to your every hurt, a smaller heart
inhabiting your ownbeat
two heartbeats in your chestcarry this moment in your veins
until crimson becomes synonymous
with us, that the moment never dies
until we domoment
this moment is temporary