Chapter 14

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Lynzie POV:
I just stood there staring at Reagan and Bry. I was just caught in my students apartment. Bry isn't your average teenager and I never really saw her as my student. I turn around and walk back into Bry's room and grabbed my clothes and left without a word. Monday is going to suck. That should have never been there. I shouldn't get involved with one of my students. This was one of the dumbest things I've ever done.

Reagan POV:
I watched as Lynzie left. I turned and looked at Bry she was crying and couldn't look at me. My heart felt heavy. I wanted answers but I didn't want the truth. I sat down on her couch and asked her "Did you have sex with her?" She couldn't even answer me. I got up and started pacing. My mind was racing. I felt like I couldn't breathe I need to leave. I need to leave. I turned around and headed to my car. I screamed. My life is so fucked up. I'm in love with my best friend, but she's in love with our teacher. I didn't want to be alive anymore. I feel so alone and unwanted. I kept speeding. I don't care if I get pulled over all I know is that I need to get far away from this town as possible. I was speeding so fast that when I took a turn I lost control and the last thing I remember were two head lights coming toward me then darkness. I felt pain but not for long just mostly empty.

Bry POV:

I wanted to run after Reagan but I felt stuck. Why does all this have to happen to me... why me? Why? I love Reagan and I don't know how I feel about her but I know that she's my best friend and I don't want to lose her I run to my bedroom and call her. I keep calling her but her phones going straight to voicemail. I don't know what to do. I don't know who to talk to. I get some shoes on and go to my car. I'm driving to my parents grave. I feel so alone and I don't know who to turn to. I just want to talk to my mom. I miss her so much. As I'm driving I noticed that the road is locked off by police cars so I take a detour around them. I get to my parents grave and just sit there and cry. I don't want to feel anymore. I grabbed a blunt from out of my purse and lit it. I don't want to remember anything I just wanna be high. I start speaking out loud to my mother. Laughing about all the things we did together. I miss them. I went to my car and brought my blanket and fell asleep next to them.

Omg. It's been years since I last updated this. So enjoy. I'm going to do more updates. Tune in for more later.

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