A secret Decoded

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Bruce's P-O-V:

it was dark out, the streets were empty, all except for the little group walking down the alley, Thomas and Martha Wayne had taken there son to the theater for his birthday, know they were on their way back, they were each holding one of the hands of their eldest son's, Bruce's. hands. and then Martha was holding Bruce's 2 year-old younger brother, William.

they were just walking down the alley towards where their limo was parked when a man stepped out of the shadows holding a gun, he pointed the gun at Thomas Wayne and told him and his wife to hand over all their money, and they did, but when the man made to grab young Bruce his father stepped in and grabbed the man, the two of them started fighting over the gun, and then the gun went off and Thomas Wayne fell to the ground holding his stomach, his wife screamed and the man shot her before he turned to the children, young William had woken up and was now screaming, the man pointed the gun at Bruce, and poled the trigger, Bruce hit the ground and the man started to walk towards him and his brother.

"Bruce," Bruce looked at his father, he was pale and looked like he was dead, "Be brave my son, protect your brother." his father's eyes closed and Bruce new he was dead, he cried out and then lunged at the man, the man didn't have time to react before Bruce was on him and the two of them were fighting, they heard police sirens in the background and the man dropped Bruce and took off, and only then did Bruce notice that William was no longer screaming.

Bruce looked around but he couldn't find his brother, and then his brother came running our of an alley screaming, he was on fire, and the police showed up just then, and as soon as they saw Bruce running towards his brother they grabbed him and held him back, and then they all watched as the two year old William melted.

Bruce was placed in an ambulance when it arrived, but they didn't take his to the hospital yet. he heard them talking about his brother, they were saying that he had somehow swallowed dangerous chemicals, and that they had melted his insides, they said that it was an extremely painful way to die, and that it was a death that no two year-old should die.

the ambulance took Bruce to the hospital and he has the bullet wound taken care of, then he was placed in a room to wait for his butler Alfred to come and get him, almost two hours after he had arrived at the hospital the doctor came in and told him he had a visitor, then he allowed a man in and left, and standing in the door smiling, was the man that had just killed his family.

I woke with a start, before I jumped out of bed and ran up the hallway to a door, I quickly opened the door and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the even breathing coming from the body on the bed. I closed the door and went downstairs to my cave, yes, I said cave.

my name is Bruce Wayne, I'm 28, I'm a billionaire, I live in a mansion, and I'm also a hero known as Batman, I just relived my parents death in a nightmare, I only have that nightmare when I'm worried about William.

I know what your thinking, isn't William melted?

the answer is no, on the night of the accident, after I got out of the hospital and Alfred was driving me home I asked him to go by the sight of the accident, he did and when we passed, I saw my little brother standing there, I though I had been dreaming, until Alfred slammed on the brakes and starred at him, and I knew it was real, I had ran out of the car and picked William up, and we had taken him home, we didn't know what had happened, but as soon as we saw that his eyes were glowing we new that we couldn't take him to the police. I was only 12 but I had promised my father that I would look after my brother, and him having glowing eyes wasn't going to get me to brake that promise.

we later figured out what had happened, but that was a story for another time, at the moment my computer is telling me the joker is causing trouble.

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