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Will's P-O-V

they were just walking down the alley towards where their limo was parked when a man stepped out of the shadows holding a gun, he pointed the gun at Thomas Wayne and told him and his wife to hand over all their money, and they did, but when the man made to grab young Bruce his father stepped in and grabbed the man, the two of them started fighting over the gun, and then the gun went off and Thomas Wayne fell to the ground holding his stomach, his wife screamed and the man shot her before he turned to the children, young William had woken up and was now screaming, the man pointed the gun at Bruce, and poled the trigger, Bruce hit the ground and the man started to walk towards him and his brother.

"Will," it was Bruce's voice. "Will" he is yelling, but why?.

I jerked upright in bed, right into the arms of my brother, who rapped his arms around me protectively, as if he was scared of loosing me. I rapped my arms around Bruce and just hugged him. I had only been two when his parents were killed,but he still remembered it as if it had happened yesterday. and I still would have nightmares of that night at least twice a month, if not more.

"the same one?" Bruce asked me, I knew what he meant, and I nodded.

"yes, why didn't you tell me you had it?." it's weird, but Bruce always has a nightmare about that night on the night before I get it, but unlike me. Bruce relives the whole night, I can only remember the part with everyone getting shot.

"I didn't want to make you depressed," Bruce told me. "besides, I checked on you right after I woke up, and you were fine, so I forgot about the nightmare."

it's always the same, if I have the nightmare, I would go to Bruce's room and check to make sure he was still there and breathing, and if so I would climb into bed with him and go back to sleep. with Bruce, if he has the nightmare, he will check on me, and then go see if Batman is needed, and if not he will go back to my room just sit on a rocking chair, and watch me sleep until he falls asleep. I know it's sounds creepy, but Bruce and I love each other so much that its hard to sleep unless we know the other is safe.

Bruce's phone starts going off and I give him another hug before letting him go, knowing that Batman is needed, I quickly take a shower and go downstairs and grab a bagel, after grabbing a coat I go to the garage, and getting into my Car I drive to Jay's house. she's not outside (again) so I got out and went inside, she was asleep on her bed, and I did what anyone else would have done. I jumped on her.

"Jay, wake up. we are going to be late for school." she was almost instantly awake, and she jumped on me. she looked really pissed.

"William Jay Wayne, you had better have a really good explanation for why you missed our meeting. and why you are waking me up on a Friday, when we have no school this morning for fall break."

"wait what?" I asked completely shocked, "it's Friday? I was out for three days?"

"out, what do you mean 'out'?" Jay demanded.

"I healed Wonder-Woman and it took all my strength, it knocked me out." I told Jay, she already knew about what happened last time and she immediately understood what had happened this time.

"fine, your forgiven." Jay said, "but you have to take me shopping to make it up to me."

"fine." I said, trying really hard not to laugh, I had just realised that Jay's hair was sticking up at every angle and that she looked like a hedgehog, a Bright pink hedgehog.

"why are you smiling?" Jay asked me, worried now that I was ill, since I almost never smiled.

"your hair." and boy did those two words have her running out of her room and into a bathroom, faster than I could say 'Batman'. I laughed and went outside to my car, where I sat and waited for Jay to finish, so I could take her shopping and we could forget about me missing a meeting.

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