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Will's P-O-V

"Dick!" I looked between him and Jay, the two of them were going out?

"Dick?" Jay asked, she looked shocked, "this is the Dick you are always telling me about?"

"yes," I told Jay, "but don't worry, I'm totally okay with you two going out."

"your Williams Jay." Dick said, but it wasn't a question, it was a statement, and it seemed as if he was shocked, as if he couldn't believe that Jay was the very same Jay that I was always telling him about. "Will, you never told me she looked like an Angel."

"you think I look like an angel?"Jay asked Dick, because I would just love to sit here and listen to my brother saying that my best friend 'looks like an Angel', note the sarcasm.

"are you kidding me? your beautiful." Dick told Jay, and I swear Jay blushed, Jay never blushed, and her Dick had her blushing like a little school girl with a crush.

"okay," I said, drawing out the O to make it last longer. "I really don't want to stand here and listen to my brother flirt with my best friend, so I think I'll be going."

"no, you can't go." Jay and Dick said at the same time, then they looked at each other, and , I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, DICK BLUSHED.

"I mean..." Dick hesitated. then he spoke in a rush, "IknownothingaboutJayIneedyourhelp."

"IknownothingaboutDickIneedyourhelp." Jay said shortly after Dick had finished speaking.

"okay," I said, "I'm guessing that Dick said 'I know nothing about Jay, I need your help' and that Jay said, 'I know nothing about Dick, I need your help." both of them nodded, "so what am I supposed to do about it?"

the two of them looked at each other, before looking back at me. "come on our date with us."

"are you kidding me?" I asked them. "you want me to go on a date with the two of you? if I come on your date with you, it wouldn't really be a date."

"that's okay." Dick said. "we can just hang out, and then when Jay and I know each other a little better, then we can go on an actual date."

"I totally agree," Jay said. "Dick and I know almost nothing about each other, but if you come with us, we can learn more about each other."

"fine I'll come, but only if you two quit flirting, it's gross." I said, and they both smiled. "and no kissing."

"we don't even know each other yet." Dick said, "and I don't kiss girls unless I know them enough to know I like them."

"and I don't kiss boys until I know them enough to know I like him." Jay said.

"alright, where are we going?" I asked them, of course I thought I already knew, because knowing Dick he would chose a spot where they can be alone, and that is beautiful enough to make a girl smile.

"the beach." Dick said, and I knew that I had been right, the beach was a beautiful place to be when the sun sets, it makes the water look like it's on fire, and on a full moon the sand looked like glass, and Dick being Dick, he had made asked her out on a full moon, so the beach was going to be beautiful.

"let's go," I said, and with that we left the mall and wet out to the parking lot, where Dick got in his car and Jay and I got in mine, I followed dick to the beach, and Jay and I didn't talk the entire way, so I was guessing that I wasn't the only one that felt awkward. when we got to the beach Dick came to my car and opened the door for Jay, making her blush for the second time tonight. I got out of my car and Jay and I followed Dick around a bend, and there on the beach was a beautiful dinner, there was a table, and pillows to sit on. the table had a vase of flowers on it, and three lit candles. it was beautiful, and it made me wish-not for the first time tonight-that I could just disappear and leave the two of them alone.

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