helping out my brother

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"come on I'd better get you home." I said, and Jay and I got into my car and I took her home, I quickly drove home, and went to bed.

only to be awakened an hour later when Bruce came into my room dressed as Batman.

Will's P-O-V

I woke up the minute my door opened, I mean it's not like I'm a heavy sleeper, I'm Batman's little brother, and he would never let me be able to sleep with my door being opened and some one sneaking into my room. I stayed still and pretended I was still asleep, and when the intruder got to my bed, I jumped up and pinned them to the wall, only to see that it was Batman, that had come into my room this night.

"hi, need something?" I asked Batman as I let him go, I know what your thinking, why wouldn't Batman just get out of my hold? well you see, Batman taught me everything he knows about fighting, and know he and I are equals when it comes to fighting, he can't beat me and I can't beat him. plus is he had tried to get out it would have started a fight and it would have postponed me helping him with whatever task he needed help with.

"I got a call this morning, the Joker had broken into middle school and taken some children hostage, " Batman told me as he and I sat on my bed, " one of the children held, was the daughter of Elongated Man, she is the only family he has left, and he wouldn't listen to me when I told him to wait and let me get her out safely, he tried getting her out himself, I used it as a distraction and easily knocked the Joker out, but Elongated Man was shot, and nothing the League can do will help."

"Alright, and what else?" I said, but I could tell that he wasn't telling me something. "I know there's something you haven't told me yet, what is it?"

"at the same time in Africa," Batman told me. "Wonder-Woman and Hawk-Girl were fighting 'something' I'm not sure what you would call them, but Wonder-Woman has been poisoned and we can't tell what kind of poison it is."

"let me get dressed and we can go." I told Batman, and he left the room to let me get dressed, why would he come to me you ask? well, you see, one of the powers the chemicals gave me was the ability to heal, and not only myself, I can heal any one, and I haven't found any wound I haven't been able to heal yet, but I can't bring back the dead, and I don't want to. now whenever a member of the justice league is injured and Batman thinks they might die, he will come and get me, and take me to the Watchtower, and I would heal the injured member.

if the injured league member was a regular member Batman would turn off the power to the medical wing and I would quickly heal the member, then Batman would turn back on the power and take me home. but if the injured member was one of the original seven then I would heal them in front of the other seven.

the original seven, know that I can heal, and they know that I'm only a teenager but they on't know what my name is, because we haven't told them, and they do't know what I look like because I always were a mask when I'm in the Watchtower, not matter who I'm healing.

I quickly poled on a shirt, jeans and a pair of boots before I grabbed my black mask out of my draw and put it on, then I left my room and went down to the Bat-cave, where Batman was waiting for me.

"can I drive?" I asked him as I walked to the Batmobile, I know what your thinking, why would Batman let me drive? well you see, Batman lets me use all his things as long as I take care of them, and that includes the Batmobile.

"not today, when I left the tower Elongated Man was already almost dead," Batman said, "it's better if I drive today."

I didn't even argue, I know, wouldn't Batman win an argument? the answer is no, when it comes to fight, Batman and I are equals at both physical and verbal fighting. but in this case I can tell that Batman isn't in the mood for an argument, so I just got into the car and we took off for the tower.

it took us five minutes to get to the tower, and then I put my mask on and Batman hacked into the main power grid and turned off all lights in the tower, now when we had first done this the heroes in the tower started to freak out, know they check to make sure there are no intruders and then smile because they know that their injured comrade will soon be well.

Batman and I quickly walked to the hospital wing and I placed my hands over the injured Elongated Man, and he was soon healed, it was a simple job, and i could tell that he would have lived even without my help, if he had really been about to die then something else would have happened during the healing process, I've never had to heal anyone at the tower, that had made my powers ignite, that's what i called it. I have had to heal Batman and my powers had ignited, telling me that he had almost died.

Batman and I left the hospital wing and went towards the meeting room, where Batman usually had them put one of the original seven if they were injured and I was coming, all of the original seven were in the meeting room surrounding the table, which help an unconscious Wonderwoman, I went up to her and put my hands on her, one on her forehead and the other over he heart, I started healing her. and I was shocked when a blue light started to flow from my hands. my power had ignited, telling me that she was almost beyond my healing, but not quit.

I spent the next fifteen minutes standing over Wonderwoman, with blue light flowing from me to her, and the entire time most of the other people in the room just sat and watched, all but batman. who went over to a counter and got a cup of coffee, which he know brought to me, and which I gladly drank before going back to trying to heal Wonderwoman.

"what is that light? and why is it taking so long?" Flash asked Batman, "it usually only takes him a couple of minutes to heal us when we're injured."

"that because you aren't usually as close to death as you think, you are just really injured." Batman explained to them. "Wonderwoman is close to death, which is why it's taking him so long to heal her, and the blue light is energy flowing from him to her, it always happens when he's healing, but you can only ever see it when it's blue, and it only turns blue when the person he is trying to heal is almost beyond him saving."

Flash wen't to ask another question but before he could, I finished healing Wonderwoman and she sat up with a start, taking in a deep breath and looking around trying to remember what had happened, she turned to me and opened her mouth as if she was going to thank me, but I spoke before she could.

"I've used to much energy," I told Batman, "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stay awake."

Batman nodded and without another glance at the others we left and quickly walked back to the Batmobile, and as soon as I climbed in I was asleep.

I didn't wake up when we got back home, or when Bruce changed from the Batman suit and carried me up stair to my room, or when he took off my shoes and mask and tucked me into bed, but all that was alright, the bad thing is.

I was asleep when...

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