New Day, New Cole

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Cole's POV
I woke up this morning feeling like I'm gonna throw up. Hopefully I won't, oh crap..... man my stomach hurts. I'm just gonna go outside and watch the sunrise since it's 5:55 in the morning. I went outside and was watching the sunrise it was beautiful! But then until the guys woke up. "Good morning idiots!" Kai said to them all happy. "Morning Governor!" Jay said playfully. "Morning Cole!" Lloyd said childishly. I only waved at them then went inside the house and waited until it was breakfast. "Hey morning Cole!" Nya said friendly.

I only smiled at her I just really don't wanna talk.  I feel so sick, I feel so dizzy. My scar burns, I don't know why but it burns. "Hey Cole." Said Zane."Hi." I said.  "See you later gotta cook breakfast bye." Zane said. "Bye." I said.

Skip time to breakfast......

Kai's POV
"There's something wrong with Cole. Why won't he just tell us?!" I asked in confused and anger.
"Guys BREAKFAST!!!! Come and get it." Zane said. "Dig in!" Jay said stupidly. "Where's Cole?" Nya asked."He's behind you." I said. "You gonna eat?" Wu asked Cole. Cole only just shrugged, he just had his ear buds on. That's the only thing he dose now. "So.... Um Cole you must be hungry?" I asked nervously. "No." Cole said to me, he didn't need to think about it. "Cole what's wrong? Come on man tell us were you friends." Jay said to Cole calmly."So?" Cole snapped at Jay."So, friends don't keep secrets away from each other COLE!" Jay said angrily.

"Well if I don't wanna talk about it, then I don't have to JAY!" Cole yelled angrily. "Yes you do were your friends were with you." Jay said calming down."NO! You're not with me! You don't know what I'm feeling like or what I'm going through! Now just get off MY FREAKING BACK YOU PIECE OF CRAP!" Cole yelled angrily while getting up and running upstairs to his room then he slams it shut real hard mostly loud."Wow." Nya said."Well that was rude of Cole." Lloyd said "Um... I'm speechless." Jay said. "I want you to go to apologized to Cole right now Jay!" Wu ordered.

"Fine." Jay said."I'll come." Lloyd said. "OK, good luck." I said.

Cole's POV
I can't believe Jay would try and do that! He doesn't understand what I'm going through and Jay comes in and gets me mad! Ugh! "Cole open the door please. It's me Lloyd and Jay." Lloyd yelled."What do you guys want?" I snapped at them. "Jay just wants to apologized." Lloyd said to me calmly."I can't forgive him." Cole said.

"Why not?" Lloyd asked mad "Cause A. He doesn't mean it. B. He's only apologizing to me cause he was forced to by Wu. And finally C. I don't got time to listen to his CRAP!" I said slamming the door."So how'd it go?" Nya asked curiously."He said that he can't forgive him, cause he found out that Sensei wu is forcing to which means he doesn't mean it. Then finally he said that he doesn't have time to listen to his crap then he slammed the door in my face." Lloyd said still shocked.

Nya's POV
"I can't believe Cole did that. That's not like him at all,we got to get to the bottom of this." I said worried.

Cole's POV
Ugh! Stupid Jay! Why can't he just leave me alone?! I'm gonna go get some medical my stomach is way worse. I guess the yelling made it worse I think I'm gonna throw up, if I yell one more time then I know for sure that I'm gonna throw up. I'm not sure but my stomach is acting up and I'm gonna get the medicine.

"I don't know why but I think I could of broken a nail." Said Jay."Jay you're so funny ha ha ha h- Cole hey." Nya said."Cole wait I'm sorry OK. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you Cole from what ever you're hiding. I understand how you feel I-." Jay said. "NO! You don't understand. Jay just leave me alone." I yelled. "That's all I've been doing but something else happens to you. You should talk to us Cole. Please were your friends. We don't keep secrets away from each other." Jay said.

"JAY! SERIOUSLY?! DON'T START THIS CRAP!!! I'M SO NOT IN THE MOOD FOR THIS AGAIN!" I yelled in anger."I'm SORRY COLE BUT, YOU'RE MY FRIEND AND I'M GONNA DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU CAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!" Jay yelled in frustration."Well might as well you should PUT A TRACKING DEVICE ON ME! THAT'LL PROBABLY STOP ME FRO-...... from...." I said in a dizzy way."Cole you OK? You're face seems green."Nya asked.

"I-I-I-I g-g-g-g-gotta go!" I said while running to the toilet. "Cole WAIT!" Jay said while following me.

Nya's POV
As I saw Cole tripped his face looked all green then he looked like that he was gonna throw up and I was right. "Oh no.... Hough!!!!!! Crap no! Stop throwing up on the carpet Crap! Hough!!!! Hough!!! Oh crap there's mo- hough!!!!!" Said Cole.

Cole was nearly sick for at least two minutes, his face was all green he had a little bit of puke on his shirt, he couldn't get up or stand. The vomiting thing took all his strength away. So me and everybody else were just watching it was pretty gross to look.

Probably mostly for Wu since Wu was next to Cole and Wu was rubbing Cole's back while Cole was throwing up, Sensei started to say "It's OK Cole, let it all out. Said Sensei wu." I wonder why Cole is throwing up." I said. "N-N-N-N-N-No I don't wanna i-i-i-it hurts.... I want the pain to go away. I don't like it, it hurts me SO badly." Cole said while complaining in pain."If you want the pain to go away then you need to let it all out even if it's gonna hurt. It's OK I'm right here I won't leave your side." Said Sensei wu." O-O-OK.... Hough!!!!! Hough!!!!! Hough!!!! OW! That hurts!" Cole said. "I don't like the feeling in my throat." Said Cole in pain."Gosh I'm so dramatic!" Said Cole.

Jay's POV
As I saw Cole I felt bad for him. Out of no where after Cole threw up, Cole was in Wu's arms..... Shaking. None of us never ever seen Cole shake. Never. He never shake He thinks that shaking is a weakness. Which I think it's not. To me I think it's a sign that you need love."Come here Cole it's OK it's alright you let it all out shhhh hush Cole it's OK everything is gonna be OK." Said Wu.

Sensei was rocking Cole back and fourth until he feel asleep in Wu's arms."Is he asleep?" Wu asked. "Yeah." Said Kai. "Alright Zane, Lloyd, and Kai sorry to bug you but can you clean up Cole's vomit up? I'll pay you guys hundred dollars each." Said Sensei wu. "OK sure as long as were getting paid afterwards."Lloyd said. "Good I'll be back I'm just gonna carry Cole to his bed." Said Sensei wu. "Um Sensei you should let us do it Cole might be too heavy for you since you're elder." I said to Sensei as polite as I can sound like.

"Trust me Jay I can handle him look no sweat, he's pretty light to me since I'm strong." Said Wu."You know for his age Cole looks like a baby when he sleeps look at the way he's snoring lightly and quietly so adorable!" Said Nya. "You know your right he dose look like a baby when he sleeps." I said in a agreement. "Alright see you in a minute or so." Said Sensei wu. I feel awful for Cole. I hope he's OK.

I wonder when he's gonna tell us why he always upset now. I just want the best for my buddy. If he's mad at me then I don't care I'm still gonna help him. He's my brother, brother's are always there for each other no matter how much were mad at each other. I care about him and so dose he inside of him he'll forgive me. He's just not ready to say it. I guess we can say A New Day, A New Cole.......

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