Happy Now?

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Cole's POV
I sat down on my bed... Thinking about what Kai said... I wish you were dead!... I flinched... Dose everyone hate me?... What did I do?... Am I a monster?... Am I a creature?... Am I different?... A bad different?... Or a good different?... Everyone hates me... Alex too?... Yes, of course... Who wouldn't hate me?... If I was someone else I would hate me too...

My stomach growled, I clutched it... I'm so hungry, but I don't want to go downstairs... I don't want to see them.... Not now, not ever...

I ran to my bathroom, I grabbed my knife I keep in my cabin just in case someone tries to rob me... I slowly raised the knife, I gently sliced my wrist... Blood dripped to the ground, hitting my carpet... I gasped... My blood wasn't red... It was green... What the?...

I knew it... I'm different... And it's a bad thing... I'm a monster... Everyone knew it, except me... I sliced my other wrist... Green blood dripping to my jeans, and shoes... I smirked... That's better huh? I'm sure everyone would like this, me hurting myself... It's so cool, everyone must be happy now.

I grinned, I kept slicing my wrists, arms, and hands... I watched the blood drip, next thing I know my shirt is kinda covered in blood... I walked to my bed, I sat. A bird hit it's head on the window... I smiled, I punched the window, glass shattered all over this floor. Some cut my cheekbones. I picked up a broken glass, I cut my cheek.

Blood, green blood dripped to the floor, and my shirt. I sighed... Too bad no one is here to see the happiness... I'm Idiotic, Insane, Scared, Happy, Sad, Fearless... I'm Everything...  No worries... I'm happy... Let's go see my family, I miss them... Soooooo much!

(Twenty minutes later)

Jay's POV
Everyone was in the living room. Nya felt bad, Alex was mad at me and Kai. Zane and Lloyd felt bad, and I felt guilty and worried. I don't know if Cole is ok... He locked himself in his room for two weeks...

"Guys, someone needs to talk to him." Kai said, annoyed. "Who?" Nya asked, Lloyd shrugged. Everyone looked at Alex, including me. "What?" Alex asked, I pointed at her. "You go talk to him." Zane said, Alex nodded.

She got up and was about to leave until we heard footsteps. Everyone froze, Lloyd took Alex's hand. Alex and Lloyd looked at each other, worried and afraid. A teenage boy, black shaggy hair, emerald green eyes, and tanned skin.

He was covered in blood, green blood... He was smirking at all of us, I gasped when he looked at Kai.... With... Anger. He grinned... It was Cole Brookstone...

"I know you wished I was dead... I tried, honest that's why I'm bleeding but... I couldn't die. I even tried my leg... But.... Sadly I survived... I missed you guys sooooooooo much! But... Hey don't cry Kai... I'm now dead inside! Wahoo! Soooo... I've been meaning to ask you something..." Cole said, looking at Kai.

"And that would be?" Kai asked, Cole smirked. He took a deep breath looking at Kai, he stabbed Kai's arm. Kai screamed, everyone screamed...

Nya screamed, Alex grabbed Nya, holding her tight. Kai's mouth was wide opened. Kai's eyes widened, Cole leaned in to Kai's ear... And whispered what I wish he didn't asked...

Happy Now?...

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