New York

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Cole's POV
My heart froze, I couldn't breath, I felt sick... "You what?" I asked. Darkness laughed. "Now you regret asking?... I killed your mother! She's dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead!!" Darkness yelled, I shot earth balls at him. He fell, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

"YOU MONSTER!!" I yelled, Darkness shook  his head. "No, you're the monster, look at what you did." Darkness pointed at me. I looked at myself, I gasped. My fangs were out, claws, wings... I screamed. Darkness laughed, lifting me up off the ground.

"LET HIM GO!! DIEGO I SWEAR I WILL USE IT AGAIN!!!" A familiar voice said, Darkness turned. I did too, it was... Dad... He had a black dart, with ghost venom spreading it. Poison for the dark... Darkness hissed at dad, throwing me across the room. I hit the window, my back was bleeding.

I was loosing blood, I was going to faint... My eyelids were closing... I went back to my ghost form... Before I did I saw a shadow... They picked me up and walked away... I wanted to scream... But I fainted...

Lou's POV
"Gosh damn it Diego! It had to be you!!" I yelled, Diego laughed. "Oh hey Louis. How's Nicole?... Oh wait... She's dead." Diego said, he laughed. I threw the dart, it hit his chest. Alex came behind him, she whispered something in  his ear... Just like that, he fell asleep... Or actually he just collapsed on the floor.

"Thank y-." "Save it, asshole." Alex said. I gasped. "Uh excuse me?" Lou asked. "Why did you fart?" Alex asked, Lloyd snickered. "No, you just called me a asshole." I said, Alex nodded. "You deserve it." Alex said, I was confused. "For what?" I asked, Alex scoffed. "For telling Cole that Darkness or Diego killed Nicole. Duh!" Alex said, rolling her eyes. My eyes widened.

"Diego didn't kill Nicole, he loved her." Lou said, Alex stared at me. "Then who did then?" Alex asked, I sighed. "It was m-." "Guys! Come quick!" Lloyd yelled. "What is it Monty?" Alex asked, Lloyd swallowed. "It's Cole. He's gone." Lloyd said.

Alex looked shocked. "What?" She asked, Lloyd nodded. Alex ran, my heart sank... My chest froze... Cole.... No... We all went outside to see where Cole was suppose to be at. He was gone. Only a puddle of blood, no trail of it.

"Maybe he flew?" Lloyd said, Alex shook her head. "If he did fly, then there would of been a trail of blood." Alex said, her eyes glowing red. Everyone backed away, except me. "Why are you guys backing awa-?"

I was going to ask everyone why are they backing away, until Alex shot lighting balls at me. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Alex yelled, I looked at her. She was heart broken... I could see it in her eyes... She wants to scream, she wants to cry... But she can't.

"Alex, listen please." I begged. Jay ran up to Alex and grabbed his sister's arms. "Jayson let me go." Alex said, in a warning tone. Jay shook his head. "Jayline. Look at me." Jay said, she shook her head. Staring at me... Shoot I'm next.

"Alex. Look at me, please." Jay begged. Alex gave up, she looked at Jay. Jay smiled at her, Alex out her arms around Jay. "It's ok, we'll find him." Jay said, Alex nodded. "I think I know where to fund Cole." I said, everyone looked at me. "Where?" Alex said in a cold tone.

I sighed. "We going to..." I said. "Where?" Alex asked. "Pack your bags everyone... Because we are going to... New York!!

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