Bad Things

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Nya's POV
OMG! What just happened?! Did Cole just CRY IN FRONT OF US?! Cole never cries in front of us, he thinks crying is a weakness... Oh my gosh! Cole is weak! He's feeling weak! He's feeling alone and unloved.

"What in the world were you two thinking of?! Making Cole cry like that!" Wu yelled/asked Kai and Jay. "He yelled at Ny-." Kai said. "So?! DOESN'T GIVE YOU A REASON TO HURT HIM LIKE THAT!!!! AND I'M SURE COLE HAS HIS REASONS ON WHY HE DID THAT!!!!!!! AND I BET YOU THAT HE DOSE!!!! KAI, JAY YOU GUYS ARE GONNA CLEAN UP THIS WHOLE HOUSE UNTIL YOUR READY TO SAY YOUR SORRY TO COLE!!!!!!!!!" Wu yelled in anger that I've never seen before. Everyone was shock. Wu never yelled at us like this before Wu snapped. "Yes Sensei." Kai and Jay said. "Nya may I talk to you?" Wu asked. "Um yeah sure." I said as I was sitting down on his pillows.

"What happen? How and why did Cole yell at you tell me everything Nya. Don't let anything out. Cole might be in danger." Wu said worried. "Ok. I went to check on Cole and he was throwing up on the floor. And I asked him if needed help and is he ok. And he kept on staring behind me. I don't know why Wu but he was mad dogging my back as if someone was there or something. Anyways I asked again then he yelled at me he gave me the I'm gonna kill you if you don't get out of my room glare. I ran downstairs he followed I ran to my room and then I was in my room crying and two minutes later I heard Cole screaming like he was in pain or something then you came home." I said.

"Ok Nya thank you. You can go now." Wu said. "Ok thanks Wu." I said then left. I feel bad for Cole. But that doesn't give him a reason to yell at me like that. I'm going to my room.

Kai's POV
Cole. I don't know why but what he said is still in my mind, "My mother died after giving birth to me!!!" And then there also was this one, "Sometimes I feel like it's my fault that my mom is dead." It just repeats in my mind over and over again. When I saw Cole's hot tears ran down his puffy red cheeks I felt like I should of hugged him and said that I was sorry. But my anger side wouldn't let me do it. Why am I feeling upset about?! He yelled at Nya! No one does that to her. Wait is Cole coming out of his room? Yes, it's him. Wonder what he's gonna do. "Nya... It's me Cole... I need to talk to you... Please... It's important *sniffs*." Cole said while wiping tears off his cheeks. "Fine. Come in." Nya said as Cole was walking in her room. Now I'm worried. Why is Cole in my sister's room? Now I'm just gonna stay here until he comes out of my sister's room.

Nya's POV
"What do you want Cole?" I asked. "I wanted to apologize to you. Nya I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I wish I could tell you why but I can't because I can't... Remember. Please forgive me Nya, I'm sorry. Please don't stay mad at me. I'm sorry Nya. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to yell at you. Please Nya I'm begging for forgiveness please Nya please forgive me." Cole said as he took my hand and gave me a bracelet. "Where did you get it?" I asked surprised.  "I um got it at the mall." Cole said. "Oh. Well I guess I could forgive you." I said as I hugged Cole. I could hear Cole's heart beat slowly. I heard Cole sniff I looked up he was crying. He was literally crying I heard heavy breaths I hugged him and comfort him. I knew that he was thinking about what Jay and Kai said. "Cole... I... I'm sorry about Kai. He's just over protective when it comes to me. I said to Cole while I was rubbing his back since he was shaking. "I'm not crying because of that... I'm crying because of... Of... Of... Him..." Cole said while shutting his eyes tight as if there was someone in front of him. "Who?" I asked. "I can't tell you because he'll make you one of him like how he made me one of him." Cole said as he took his shirt off and turned his back toward my face and I saw a tattoo. It looked like a black dragon with blood fangs. And he had green scars on his back as well. Now I'm scared. "Cole? What happen to you?! You got green scars on your back and you got a black dragon on your back!" I yelled in panic. "I... Nya...  I wish that I could tell you but I can't.... I gotta go. Don't tell Sensei wu what I told you  ANYTHING." Cole said as he left my room. "Cole wait!" I yelled but it was too late he went back in his room. I heard him lock it. Now Cole is worrying me. I wonder if I should tell Wu or not. Well all I know is that what ever is happening to Cole this is Bad Things....

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