My Dark War Part 1

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Darkness's POV
It's time, today is the war.. It's finally happening I'm having my revenge. This is for Nicole. The ninja left New York yesterday and they are back in Ninjago, perfect. Now I can attack Ninjago city will be mine!! I want war, and now I'm getting it! I will destroy Cole, I'll hold his head up high when I slice it off. His family will scream and cry, I'll kill them after...
Alex's POV
Yesterday after Cole's meltdown we decided we should go back to Ninjago. I'm in the training room, I was talking to him and training with him. "You know today is the war, right?" I asked Cole, he kept punching the dummies. "Yes. That's why I'm training extra hard." Cole said, he broke the dummie's head.

"Aw, you killed Eddy." I said, Cole laughed. "Yes, I named the dummies, I also talk to them when I'm alone don't judge." I said, Cole grabbed my waist, and pulled me in closer. He kissed my lips forcefully.

"I love you, don't ever forget that." Cole said, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Never." I said, Cole smiled. We kissed again, Cole took a knee. I gasped, he was just tying his shoe. I sighed in relief.

I love Cole, but I don't wanna marry him right now, we have a war to focus on. The alarm went off, an explosion went around Ninjago. Cole and I ran to the ninja. "It's time ninja, today might be our second biggest war." Kai said, Lloyd rose his hand.

"What's our biggest war?" Lloyd asked, I snickered. "Jay's Reprogrammed." Kai said, everyone nodded, Jay frowned. "Alright, come on guys. Ninjago!" Nya yelled, we all ran outside on our dragons. I looked at Lloyd, he looked back.

"We're going to be awesome!" Lloyd yelled, I smiled. "You're right!" I yelled, Lloyd smiled. We made it to Ninjago. Darkness's henchmen were attacking Ninjago city.

"Cole and Jay, Kai and Nya, Zane and Pixal, Alex your with me. Alright ninja, be careful." Lloyd said, everyone nodded, Lloyd and I ran to save the people.
Jay's POV
Cole and I ran to fight some henchmen. I punched a henchmen, Cole kicked and broke their arm. "Just like old times huh Cole?" I asked, Cole nodded. "I missed it so much!" Cole said punching the henchmen in the nose, I laughed.

Darkness was behind Cole, I gasped. "Cole! Behind you!" I yelled, Cole tried to duck but it was too late. Darkness hit Cole's head, he fell. "Cole!" I yelled, darkness laughed. "Foolish boy, he's mine. I'm going to kill him and you're going to watch me kill him." Darkness said, he pulled a knife. I threw lightning balls at him, he fell. I picked Cole up, I shook him so he would wake up.

"Cole, wake up." I said, Cole groaned but he got up. "You ok?" I asked, he nodded. "Yeah, you?" Cole asked, I smiled. "Never better." I said, we ran to the ninja. Alex and Lloyd were fighting a henchmen.

He pulled Alex's hair, she fell. And Lloyd stabbed his heart, he fell. Lloyd helped Alex up, she hugged him. "You guys ok?" I asked, Alex hugged me and Cole. "Yeah, you guys?" Lloyd asked, we nodded. "We're good." Cole said, I smiled.

Cole was about to stand on my left side, I stopped him. He stayed on the right side. "What's wrong?" Cole asked, I smiled. "Nothing just cold, can I borrow your sweater?" I asked, Cole nodded.

"Thanks." I said, I put the sweater... Now Diego won't know who's the real Cole, it's pitch black out here... He'll have to get me.... I just know it....

A knife went through my chest, Cole gasped. Blood across my chest, my mouth was open with a big O. I fell, Cole screamed.
Cole's POV
I was standing next to Jay, he was smiling at me, I was smiling back. Until a knife went through Jay's chest, I gasped. Blood across Jay's chest, his mouth was open with a big O. I fell, I screamed.

Nya screamed, Alex's eyes widened. "JAY!!!" Alex yelled, Nya took her hand. Darkness laughed. I sat  down, I laid Jay on my lap.

My heart froze, I couldn't breath, my fingers felt numb, My heart was pounding. I couldn't believe it... Jay was dying, tears slid down my cheeks... No.... Jay...

Not him. Not my best friend. Not my brother. Not my guardian. Not my laughter. Not my family. No no  no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no...... Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay!!

"Jay please don't die on me... Please, I need you, with me, I can't do this alone please..." I begged, Jay smiled sadly.

"It's ok, at least you're ok." Jay said, I gasped. "All you care about is my safety?" I asked, Jay nodded. I sniffed.

"Why me? Oh Jayson, why?" I asked, Jay smiled. "That's what friends are for." Jay said, my heart broke.

"He met to get me not you!" I yelled, Jay nodded. "I knew... That's why I did that." Jay said, I shook my head...

"No no no no no no no, Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay.... Why?.." I whispered, Jay coughed up blood. "As... Iron... Sharpens... Iron..... Brother... Sh-Sharpens... Brother." Jay said, a tear escaped my eye.

"A second later I could of been.... Instead you..."

"I'll be ok Cole."

"I can't lose you too... I need you."

"Your the only person I'll keep happy."

"Love makes us stronger. Love is everything. Love makes us fight harder for what we want. Love is the only thing keeping the team alive."

"I am done being afraid."

"Make me proud."

Jay shut his eyes... Nya gasped... Alex screamed and cried. Lloyd held her tightly and rocked her.

Darkness laughed, I looked at him. "Foolish blue ninja, sacrifices himself for you." Darkness said, "all well." I was mad, I snapped. My red eyes came out, my fangs were out, my powers were out.

Darkness backed away, I was breathing heavily. "I AM DONE BEING AFRAID!" I yelled, Darkness stared.

"What are you going to call this now?" Darkness asked, I smirked. "Really wanna know?" I asked, he shook his head. "I just wanna see what stupid name you called this one now." Darkness said, I grinned.

"This is... My Dark War."

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