Bad Blood

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Sensei Wu's POV
"Jay? Can you go get Cole for me? I need to talk to him. We need answers now." I said seriously. "Yes Sensei." Jay said as he was about to go upstairs until..
"Hello? Anyone home? It's me Alex I'm back!" Alex called. "ALEX YOUR BACK!!!!!" Jay said as he was squeezing Alex. "Yes Jay. I'm back from Dad's." Alex said while happily returning the hug. "So since you were gone for the two weeks did you win the prize for best robot?" Jay asked. "Yes of course I did!" Alex said while she showed him her trophy. "Wow sis! It's amazing! Nice work!" Jay said while hugging her again.

"Thanks Jay." Alex said. "Alex! Your back! Welcome back!" Nya said. "Yeah, welcome back!" Lloyd said while hugging her. "Welcome back Alex." Zane said. "Hey Alex!" Kai said while he fist bumped Alex. "Hey Kai!" Alex said while she fist bumped Kai back. "Where's Cole? I miss him so much. I wanna hug him." Alex said while looking around for Cole. "He's in his room... Sleeping." Kai says while hesitating to find a answer since he didn't know what Cole is doing. "Oh um ok then. Let's eat I'm starving." Alex said while her and Lloyd went into the kitchen.

Jay's POV
"Cole? It's me Jay, I'm coming in." I said while I was opening his door. Cole looks tired. Looks like he hasn't been sleeping cause he has bags under his eyes. "Um hey Cole. Sensei wants to talk to you. Also I'm sorry I beaten you up." I said while looking around Cole's room. It was all dark and cold. "Um... I-I-I-I don't wanna talk to him. And it's ok I forgive you. " Cole said while staring at his arm. "But you have to it's an order." I said surprise. Since Cole does everything that Sensei tells him what to do.

"I'll go later." Cole said annoyed. "Fine go ahead. But um Alex is here." I said smirking since I knew that he misses her. Cole's eyes opened wide, he looked at himself in the mirror. His black shaggy hair is now all flat. He looks like he haven't bathe in weeks! He quickly looked away and looked at me he started to blush in embarrassment. Also he pushed me out of his room, and closed and locked the room. I heard the shower go on and I also heard Cole's music from his phone go on. I think he's washing himself up since he looks dirty. I went downstairs and was laughing my head off. Cole is getting himself clean so Alex won't see him like that. Classic! I was downstairs and I was still laughing.

And everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I didn't care, I was still laughing. "Jay why are you laughing?" Kai asked. "You don't wanna know." I said. "Um ok." Nya said. "Where's Cole?" Alex asked. I giggled a little then stopped to answer my sister's question. "Um he's in his room taking a shower." I said still giggling. "Oh Jay." Nya said. "Sorry babe." I said as I kissed Nya's cheek. "It's ok Jay." Nya said as she kissed my lips.

Meanwhile with Cole and his boss's conversation.....

Crap Alex is here and I'm a mess! I smell, my hair is a mess, OMG! I don't got time for this! Please please please DON'T ruined this for me. Please I'm begging you this is my girlfriend. And I don't want you to make me hurt her. We'll think about that... What is that suppose to mean? You'll see Cole. You'll see... You better not. Oh I will... Maybe I don't know yet. Whatever I'm going. Stay out of this. Wait what?! You're going downstairs?! You can't go! The sun hurts my eyes! Well then don't come then!!! How dare you growl at me Cole?! Oh whatever I'm not scared of you anymore! Sensei wu needs to talk to me and I'm gonna tell him about you!! Oh no your not! Your not gonna go tell! Watch me sucker! Get back here! AHH! Your not gonna tell him.... Because I wasn't gonna kill you. But I got a better idea. A-And well what's t-that? I'm just gonna fully possess you. Now since I'm only controlling your mind. I'm gonna possess you! Wait! You can't do that! Oh but yes I can.... Say goodbye to everyone you love. Once your family is gone I'll have a bride.... Alex. NO! You better not lay one hand on her! She's MINE! Back off! My property! Not anymore... AHH!!!!!

Lloyd's POV
"Guys did you hear that scream?" I yelled. "Yeah! Sounds like it came from Cole's room!" Kai yelled. "COLE!!!!" Everybody yelled while upstairs trying to open his door. "What?" Cole asked calmly. "Are you ok?" Nya asked. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Cole asked.

"We heard you scream!" Zane said. "Oh I um I got scared cause I saw a spider it came out of nowhere but it's ok don't freak I killed it." Cole said. "Oh um ok you coming downstairs?" I asked. "Um for what?" Cole asked confused. "Sensei wu wants to see you remember?" Nya asked Cole.

"Eww. Oh um I mean ok." Cole said realizing what he said. "Ok.." I said. "We're gonna go now." Kai said as we went downstairs. "Ok I'll caught up to you guys!" Cole said as we left.

Conversation between Cole and his boss...

I win! Let me go! Fine! But you are not gonna tell him! Yes I am! Fine! Have it your way. If you tell him then I'll stop you! I doubt that. Don't say that I didn't warn you.

Sensei Wu's POV
Cole came downstairs said hi to Alex. "Cole please come to my room." I told Cole as he came. "Please sit down." I said. He sat down looking at the tea. "What happened?" I asked Cole. "Can't." Cole said. "Can't what?" I asked. "Can't remember." Cole said. "Why?" I asked. Cole looked mad. "I don't know!" Cole yelled. He punched my table and he left. "Nicholas please I know your lying just tell me the truth." I said to Cole. He was already out of my room.

"No! If I have a secret then all well!!! And don't call me Nicholas! That's not my name!" Cole yelled. He turned around and bumped into Kai.. Kai glared at him. "I wish you were dead!" Kai yelled. Nya came to step up.

"Kai!" Nya yelled. "No let me finish! Cole. Your such a baby! Your weak! We don't care about you! I hope you starve to death! You stupid brat!" Kai yelled. He pushed Cole to the ground.

Cole looked mad. His eyes glowed red. "I... Am... Not... A... BRAT!!!!" Cole pushed Kai on the floor then tears came out of his eyes. He wiped them off real quick. Everyone gasped. Kai and Cole were staring at each other for a while. Until Cole ran to his room.

"They don't care... They never did..." Cole said to himself staring at the floor.

No one's Pov
Just then Alex walked upstairs in front of Cole's door. "Are you hungry? Are you wishing for a cake? Are you feeling hated by me? I don't hate you. It was an accident it's ok. I forgive you. Do you feel unloved? Are you scared? Do you think that no one cares about your feelings? I do. Are you alone? Do you feel alone? Do you feel alone? Are you sad? Do you think that no one cares about you? Well if you do then don't. Cause... I need you. Cause I... Love you. Everyone deserves for someone to care for." Alex said. She wished she could just tell Cole that to his face but..  He won't listen.

No one cares for Cole... But... Alex cares...

Meanwhile with the ninja...

"I can't hurt you Cole… I can't hurt who I love…" Nya said to herself. " "Come on. We should get our rest. We'll deal with this later." Zane said.

Two weeks later...

"Cole has been in his room for weeks! Is he Ok?" Lloyd asked. "I don't know." Zane said. "And I don't care!" Kai yelled. "Kai! Cole is your brother! You can't leave him like this! He's going through something that we don't even know of!" Nya yelled.

Kai glared at Nya. "Forget about HIM! I hate him!" Kai yelled. Lloyd sighed. "All we can say that Cole has... Bad Blood....

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