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Cole's POV
I stared at the blood, it was cat blood... Aunt Lori cleaned up the blood, muttering to herself. "You ok?" Uncle Robert asked, I nodded. "I need to know the truth, I need to know my mom's death." I said, Aunt Lori sighed. "I know you do baby." Aunt Lori said, she stared at me.

"You are so much like your mother." Aunt Lori said, I shook my head. "My mom isn't a freak." I said, Aunt Lori hugged me. "You are wrong." She said, I sighed. "Lori, show him what happened with your powers." Uncle Robert said, she nodded.

She took my hand, I was confused. I took a deep breath, she smiled at me, a sad smile. Her eyes were all white, she whispered. "I, Lori Brookstone, call to Nicole Brookstone. Your son needs to know it's time." Aunt Lori said, everything went black...
I watched as blood poured down a twenty two year old woman's body, she had blood stains on her clothes, her hair was so black and beautiful. Her skin was so tan, like mine, her cheeks were filled with dirt, tears and blood. The only light in her was her emerald green eyes. I watched as all the henchman's dead bodies burn, she smiled... "No more Broken Hearts." She said, "that'll teach them not to hurt Ninjago... Don't mess with me, I'm your worst nightmare."

A twenty three year man was standing across from her, his gray eyes were full of fear. She ran to him, he hugged her. "Louie, your ok!" She cheered, Louie nodded. "Of course I am Nicole." Louie said.... Wait... Louie and Nicole.... THOSE ARE MY PARENTS!!

I saw her stomach, I gasped... She's pregnant... With me... Mom squeezed dad's sleeve. "Louie, the baby's coming!" Mom said, dad picked her up and rode a earth dragon to the hospital.

"Hurry Rocky!" Dad yelled, I gasped... Rocky was here too!? Oh come on! They made it to the hospital, mom was about to have me.

A man, whiteish brown hair was in the room where mom was having me, he was hiding... I saw mom's stomach, it was bleeding on the side... Dad say, he freaked. "How did that get there!?" Dad yelled, mom took his hand.

"When you were fighting the henchman David, when I jumped and sliced his head off, he sliced the side of my stomach." Mom said, dad gasped. "I didn't know if I was bleeding, I thought it was a scratch, the one kids get when they have mosquito bites." Mom said, dad sighed.

A woman, with green hair, yellow snake eyes for human eyes stared at mom. "I could sense him, he's barely breathing." The woman said. "GET HIM OUT! GET HIM OUT!" Mom yelled, I froze. "Louie wait, there's a problem." The woman said, Louie frowned.

"What would the problem be, Sarafina?" Dad asked, she took a breath. "I only have enough magic to save only one.... If I save the boy then... Nicole dies, if I save Nicole... The baby dies..." Sarafina said, mom and dad gasped.

"What are we waiting for? Kill the child." Dad said, my heart froze, mom snapped. "Louis Santiago Brookstone! How dare you!" Mom yelled. "It's ok, we could have another one, you matter!" Dad yelled, I feel betrayed.

"So dose the baby..." Mom said, dad started to cry. "I'm sorry, I just... I love you, can't lose you." Dad said, mom smiled sadly. "I know, you won't." Mom said, dad kissed mom one last time... It was a sad kiss, dad rubbed his thumb against mom's cheekbone.

A single tear slid down mom's cheek. She pulled away, she took a shaky breath. "I love you Louie, take care of Cole for me." Mom whispered, dad looked at mom in confusion.

Mom pushed dad, Sarafina locked the door, dad panicked, he kicked and punched the door. He shouted mom's name over and over again. His knuckles were bleeding but he kept hitting the door, tears rolled down dad's face.

"Nicole, are you sure?" Sarafina asked, mom nodded. "He's my son, he deserves to live... I know he'll be like me, he'll be the new Earth ninja... He'll know his destiny when he's fifteen." Mom said, tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you, Cole." Sarafina said, Mom chuckled. "You can't call me that no more, that's now my son's name." Mom said, Sarafina sighed. "Thank you for everything Sarafina." Mom said, Sarafina nodded. "Sure thing." Sarafina said, mom took a deep breath.

"I call the light up to me, to the deepest happiness from earth to sea, from the blackest nightmare to the lightest dream, I beg of you to help me save a new born child." Sarafina said, green and black energy came out of Sarafina's hands, she was taking me out....

Mom screamed in pain, I still heard dad yelling his name. I came out, just like that. I was crying, mom was barely breathing. Sarafina cleaned me up, she gave me to mom. 

I stopped crying after Sarafina put me in mom's arms, mom was crying. "My sweet baby boy, I'm sorry that I won't be able to watch you grow up, I promise I'll always be by your side. You will find love, friends, family... You will be the next earth ninja... I love you my beautiful baby boy..." Just like that... Mom died, I cried... A tear escaped mom's eyes, it rolled down her cheek and it hit my chest...

Sarafina took me away, she unlocked the door, dad came in. "Where is she!?" Dad asked, dad saw mom, her dead body. It was funny because mom looked peaceful, free, and beautiful...

Dad held mom's body and cried. I never seen dad like this before... Sarafina stayed quiet, she calmed me down. I sneezed, dad looked up. Dad slowly walked to Sarafina. "Finally wanna see your son?" Sarafina asked, dad took me from her.

I stared at dad, I smiled. Dad smiled too, he sat down. He kept staring at me. "My little Cole... I promise I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." Dad said, I fell asleep in dad's arms... Everything went black again...
Cole's POV
We were back in the room, everyone was here. I fell to my knees and cried... I was right, it is my fault mom is gone... Everyone felt bad, they looked at each other sadly. I couldn't control myself, I bawled my eyes out.

"I'm so sorry mom! Mommy come back! Don't leave me! I need you! You shouldn't of done that!! P-Please come back!! No!!!" I yelled, tears fell to the floor.

Jay walked up to me, he wrapped his arms around me. I cried in his arms. "I'm so sorry Cole." Jay said, I cried even more.

I couldn't take the pain anymore! I can't take it. It's all coming to me too fast! Way too fast! I hate myself! This is all coming in like a...


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