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(This is a sequel, go read {Always♡Namjin} if you want to understand fully)
•2 Months after Seokjin disappeared•

Namjoon sat in his office chair, staring at the screen. He hadn't moved for what felt like hours, which was actually 10 minutes, but its not like Namjoon paid attention to the time anymore. All he knew is that it was too quiet in their apartment anymore. No, his apartment.


He calls out weakly, his voice cracking and throat sore from not being in use for the longest time. He half expected his hyung to walk in with a questioning look, still wearing his glasses from reading one of his new books. But it didn't happen.


He called out again, his voice stronger this time, he turned in his chair to look at the door behind him, waiting for the tall, broad-shouldered figure to come walking up, humming the Mario tune softly. But it didn't happen.
Namjoon got up, his bones cracking in protest, but he didn't pay mind to that, only opened the door and walked out to the kitchen, wanting so badly for his beloved hyung to be standing there, making them dinner that would surely be spectacular. But all he saw was a pile of pizza boxes on the counter and the sink overloaded with dishes. His face didnt change from its depressed expression, the dark circles and unkempt hair adding to the look. He walked to their bedroom, his bedroom, and sat down on the edge where Seokjin used to sleep. His phone was on the bedside table, a notification from his fans on Instagram, showing a certain one that liked his picture. He picked it up, staring at the screen.

3 Missed calls from Yoongi Hyung
2 missed calls from Hoseok
15 messages from Taehyungie
11 messages from Jungkookie
5 voicemails

He stared until the screen went black, and put the phone back down. He curled up on their bed, no, his bed, his tired eyes begging to close. He stared at the nightstand, where Seokjin's glasses used to lay, his phone, and a book once in awhile. His tears were long gone, dried up by the pillow he was currently resting his head on, but that didn't stop him from wanting nothing more than to cry out for his hyung. He wanted to claw at his skin, throw his phone to floor, pull the curtains from the windows, break all he could touch. But he didn't. He laid there, staring at nothing, gripping his shirt to control his temper. Seokjin would usually calm him down with his sweet, light voice that eased Namjoon's mind and helped him relax. But he wasn't here now. He wasn't anywhere near Namjoon. And it hurt.

"Hyung... you said always. You promised me. Where are you now?"

Namjoon asked, his voice breaking half-way through as he dissolved into a whimpering man, silent tears leading tracks down his face. His body shivered, and he bit his lip to stop his sobs from leaving his mouth, as if someone was in the next room. Namjoon wished there was. He really, truly wished there was.

|513 words|
(It's.... Something?)

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