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Seokjin turned around, smiling when he saw a couple of his friends run over.

"You're really leaving us huh?"

One asked, punching his surprisingly muscular arm playfully. Jin laughed, punching his arm back.

"Yeah, I gotta get back to my family. If I were gone any longer, they would probably go nuts."

His friends grinned, silently wishing he would stay longer. He would be a good asset to them, and he was a caring person, but they knew how important his family was to him. He wouldn't shut up about them the entire time he was there. Hell, they knew practically all of them by name.

"Well, it's sad to see a good soldier go."

One admitted and opened his arms for a hug. Seokjin gladly accepted it and hugged him tight. He knew he could stay longer, and in all honesty, if he didn't have people at home waiting for him, he would have. But, Namjoon and the rest were what drove him to be better. So he had to return home. He let go, so Seokjin did too. He noticed he had some tears in his eyes, and Seokjin grew mildly concerned.

"Hey Jin... have you told your family about... you know.."

"Oh... no. I was hoping they would take it better if I told them in person."

The soldiers gave a knowing look to each other, a look that Seokjin knew all too well. He had given that look many times before.

"Don't worry, I know they'll be able to handle it better if I tell them in person. I'd make me feel better too."

They sighed and nodded, understanding the best they could.

"Okay Jin, we trust you. Just make sure to keep in contact Okay? If I don't get a letter by next week I'm gonna find you and beat your ass."

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