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•1 year & 2 months after Seokjin disappeared•
(Warning: This is a long chapter everyone, buckle your seatbelts.)

"Fuck me, why is the floor so dirty?"

Namjoon complained to himself, on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor. It was time for spring cleaning, and Namjoon was originally gonna be a lazy asshole and not do it but changed his mind when he tripped over a stuffed animal in his hallway. And then realized that his hallway was filled with stuffed animals.

"I swear this floor better shine when I'm done cleaning it, or I'm punching someone."

Time Skip》

"Time to clean under my dirty ass bed."

Namjoon whispered to himself, sighing as he got on his hands and knees to attempt to clean under the bed.

"Oh, so this is where all my missing stuff goes, wonderful."

He said to himself, looking at all the trash and random shit under the bed. He made a mental note to check under there more often. He started cleaning, but had to stop way too soon when he pulled an entire pizza box out from under it, almost the whole pizza was in there.

"Ewwwwww! This has been under here for a year? I need to fucking clean oh my god."

He started just pulling everything out from under the bed. Beer bottles, cigarette butts and random chunks of food. He was about to throw away a giant pile of the trash when he saw a letter with his name on it. It was in Seokjin's hand writing. His eyes went wide as he grabbed it, letting all the trash drop to the floor. He sat on his bed, staring at it. He hasn't seen his writing in a long, long time. He opened it carefully, curious beyond belief but didn't want to tear it. He pulled out a white piece of paper, well, a barley white piece of paper. It was yellow from smoke, and  the  letter in it was all in Seokjin handwriting. He could already feel himself getting emotional.

~Seokjin's Letter~

Dear Namjoon,
I know your probably wondering where I am. I know you probably feel hurt, and confused. Well, I'm sorry I'm making you feel this way.
But, I have no choice. It was time for me to be drafted to the military, I got the warning when you weren't home. I felt sick to my stomach the moment I realized what it was, becuase I never wanted to leave you. Even if I did know it would happen sooner or later. I didn't want to tell you, becuase I know the hurt in your eyes would absolutely kill me. So, I kept quiet. The day before I was supposed to leave, I wanted you to have a perfect day. I had no idea how I was gonna plan that, and if I did something too big you would know something was up. But, you made a perfect day by yourself. I felt... such a strong feeling of appreciation for you, and the sadness of having to leave, I felt that the whole day. I know it's probably a mistake to not tell you, but I wouldn't be able to leave if I told you. Or anyone.
If I left you all confused, hurt, or just plain sad, I'm sorry. I'm so, so fucking sorry. I want to cry at the thought of having to leave tomorrow. I don't want to. I want to wake you up and pack our bags so we can run away. It would be so easy. But I can't. I won't. For you, and for our friends. I hope I don't cause too much pain. I love you, Namjoon. Remember that. I love all the guys. You'd better still be going to the park, okay? Stay kids. And Namjoon, I know I broke the promise of Always. I know. But I'll make a new one. I'll make a better one.
I promise to eternally love you, and do what I can to protect you.
So.... goodbye.
I hope you'll write back.

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