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(This is a re-write, since the original chapter got mysteriously deleted. Enjoy?)
•1 year after Seokjin disappeared•

Jimin walked up to the others, pushing his cart with a heavy sigh. He looked at the others in the line, all of them had already gotten their stuff.

"Did you get ice cream?"

Taehyung asked, and broke Jimin out of his daze.

"Hm? Oh, no."

"Well, you might want to get some. We're gonna need it."

Jimin sighed again, turning his cart around to find the area the ice cream was in. Once he found it, he stared at all the flavors for a second and just opened one door, grabbing who knows how many tubs of ice cream. He walked back with a small frown, and noticed an old lady. She smiled at him out of reflex, and he gave a forced smile back. He walked around aimlessly for a second, just lost in his mind. He then saw a Mario cup, that was obviously for little kids, but he couldn't help but think of Seokjin.

"Hyung would've liked that..."

He thought out loud, pondering for a moment. He grabbed the cup, one of many, and put it in his cart. He walked up again and saw that everyone but Taehyung was checked out, since he had gotten alot of food. He checked out his items slowly at a self- check out, not really feeling like he could even give a forced smile to the workers.

"Have a good day sir!"

Jimin wasn't sure he could follow through with that. He walked out, and everyone was waiting for him. Everyone was looking to the sky, so naturally, Jimin looked up. He saw a blue sky, a few clouds hanging overhead. Just enough to block the sun. Jimin remembered when Seokjin would force them all to go outside and to The Park to be like kids again. He would pack so much food, and made sure we were having fun.


Jungkook said, causing all of them to almost break their necks to look away from the sky and at him.

"It's really been year?"

He said, and everyone stayed silent, while Jungkook still stared at the sky. None of them wanted to admit it to themselves.

"Its... it's really been a year since he left."

Jungkook said, much quieter than when he first spoke. Almost as if he was talking to himself.

"It's been a year... our birthdays... halloween... Christmas... He missed... all of it... even his own birthday party..."

Jungkook was crying silently by now, his voice wavering. Jimin wanted to cry at the sight.

"Come back Seokjin hyung..."

Hoseok was crying into Yoongi's chest at this point, Yoongi looking like he was about to cry as well. Taehyung was the one to walk up and place his hand gently on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook looked down immediately, smiling sadly at Taehyung, who just stared back. It seemed that they could have a conversation just like that, becuase Jungkook was taking Taehyung's bags and sniffling.

"Let's go see Namjoon hyung. He needs us right now.... we need him."

Jungkook said, and everyone agreed. They started the short walk to his apartment, hand in hand. All of them would look up at the sky every once in awhile, their eyes red with tears, to watch it be overrun by dark clouds, as the sky cried with them.

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