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"Kim Seokjin!"

A man bellowed, and he looked over, a smile still on his face from the joke he'd just told the men that surrounded him. His fellow soldiers had a look of surprise.

"Hey... that's Seokmin. He brings the mail right?"

One of them asked.  Another nodded, and they all stared at Seokjin, confused.

"Why's he calling your name Jin?"

Seokjin didn't answer to his nickname. He was too stunned by the fact that Seokmin had called him. Seokmin dropped the bundle of letters in his lap, his scruffy face in an awkward smile.

"S'The first time I've seen you get a letter, pretty boy. Lucky you."

He said to him and continued on, yelling out names and was somehow louder than the men who talked non-stop in the camp. Seokjin looked down at the letter, his eyes still wide with shock.

"Well what are you doing, man? Open it!"

One of the soldiers said, to which he finally gained his senses and carefully opened the letter on top. As he read, tears flowed down his face, more and more with each letter. He didn't care about the others teasing him. All he cared about was reading the heart- wrenching letters. When he finished the last letter, he had tear stains, puffy red eyes, and his 'Friends' laughing at his tears. But he had a smile on his face.


•1 year & 5 months after Seokjin left
(Another long chapter haha)

"How long does it take for someone to mail a letter?"

Jungkook asked, everyone looking away from what they were doing to look at Jungkook as he whined.

"You've got to remember he's in the military, Kookie. He might not have alot of time to write a letter."

Jimin stroked Jungkook's hair, since he was resting his head on his thigh. Jungkook groaned, crossing his arms and huffing in annoyance.

"Well they should let him write a letter and send it to us. We've waited long enough."

"And so did he."

Hoseok said in response from his place on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi was combing his fingers through Hoseok's hair, nodding to agree with him.

"He might still be mad at us for not responding sooner. We probably deserve it for being so stupid. And because Namjoon doesn't clean his God damn house."


They all laughed while Namjoon sat there, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. He threw a pillow at Hoseok, but was blocked by Yoongi, who threw it back at him.

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