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8 Months after Seokjin disappeared•

Hoseok sighed as he washed the dishes, cursing his lazy boyfriend for 'convincing' him to wash the dishes by kissing him till his mind went blank, making him agree to whatever Yoongi said or asked. It was the morning after the surprise dinner rush, the words, 'Welcome to Lenora's Swag Café, what would you like to order?' Fried into his brain for what seemed like the rest of his life.

"Damn you Min Yoongi and your tounge technology."

Hoseok muttered, rolling his eyes at the last part. Hoseok had told Yoongi one time that he was a good kisser and he got all cocky about it. He muttered to himself, cursing his boyfriend multiple times, almost done with the dishes by this time, when he heard the little bell on the door alert him that a customer had walked in. He sighed, drying his hands and walking to the front to greet them, since Taehyung was late and he was the only one there. The person who walked in had their hood up, covering the top half of their face and the face mask covering the other half. He still smiled anyway, it was protocol, and he loved to smile and brighten peoples day.

"Hello! Welcome to Lenora's Swag Café, may I take yo-"

"You already know what I like Hobi."

The man said, and Hoseok recognized the voice immediately. Hoseok watched as Namjoon pulled down the mask and looked up, smiling happily as his dimples appeared after such a long time.


Hoseok screamed as he literally jumped over the counter to tackle Namjoon in a hug. Namjoon laughed and hugged him back tightly while Hoseok felt like he was dreaming.

"Namjoon, oh my god! I can't believe your here! And you look so much better!"

Hoseok said, pinching his cheeks just to make sure he was real. Hoseok realized that this, this was Namjoon, right in front of him. He wasn't the person who he was months ago, a broken hearted boy crumbling to ground in tears. No, now he was the man standing strong in front of him, smiling and laughing freely. Hoseok had never felt more proud.

"Hoseok your acting like I went to the military or something!"

Namjoon said, and Hoseok shushed him. He ran over to the blinds and closed them, turning the open sign onto the side that said closed. He then ran back over to Namjoon and ordered him to sit. Namjoon laughed but obeyed, and Hoseok smiled just because Namjoon was laughing again, but he wouldn't admit it anytime soon. Hoseok sat across from him, ready to bombard him with questions.

"Okay, spill. What happened after you kicked us out of your apartment? You were still a complete mess when we left."

Namjoon sighed, remembering that day. He had thought he was fine at that point, and kicked them out to try and get better himself. Oh what a mistake that descion was.

"Do I really have to explain?"

He asked, not wanting to go into the details of what happened. Hoseok looked like an angry mother ready to scold him. Namjoon knew right then and there to just agree and go with whatever Hoseok said, if he wanted to live.

"Yes you fucking do, you owe me this explanation. Do you even realize how angry Yoongi was? It resulted in alot of 'stress relief' and some sleepless nights for the neighbors. I thought I wouldn't be able to sit or walk right ever again, I didn't know he was that ki-"

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