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•2 Months until Seokjin returns

"So.... about the letter..."

"I don't want to talk about it right now Yoongi."

Yoongi sighed, putting the plate he had just cleaned in the drying rack. He had been pestering Hoseok for weeks after he saw what had been inside Seokjin's letter. He just knew that every one else was in on what he meant. Everyone but him.

"Hoseok you never want to talk about it. Why not? It can't be that bad."

Hoseok didn't look at him, just kept scrubbing a glass cup they used for special occasions only. He handed it to Yoongi, saying nothing. Yoongi sighed and took the cup, staring at it as he placed it in the clear water, the suds of soap dissolving in the water as if they never existed.

"You know I'm just worried about you."

He said softly, drying off the cup gently. He smiled a little, the memories this one cup held were so precious and pure. Hoseok looked over at his boyfriend, admiring the way he held the cup with such care, placing it in the rack as if it were a feather.

"I know, Yoongi. But you don't need to be worried, I'm fine. The secret isn't that bad anyways."

Yoongi thought it over and nodded, and Hoseok smiled. He booped his nose and left a small soap sud there. Yoongi tried looking at it, going crossed eyed and sticking his tounge out of his mouth. Hoseok laughed. Yoongi kissed Hoseok's nose, smiling as he pulled away. Hoseok looked at him, a soft distant look in his eyes.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?"

Yoongi nodded, going back to the dishes, a lighter feeling in his chest. Hoseok on the other hand... he was doing his best to keep composure.

《Time Skip》

"I'll be back soon Yoongi."

Yoongi turned around confused, watching Hoseok shrug on his green bomber jacket.

"But Hoseok did you forget? Tonight is our favorite show, were supposed to watch it together... I even made popcorn."

Hoseok looked over, surprised and shocked. He laughed a bit, but his laughter held no trace of humor.

"Oh I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm so stupid, I forgot. But, I really do need a walk right now, so could we watch it later? Record it or something."

Yoongi frowned, getting up from the couch and walking over to him, cupping his face in his hands. Hoseok immediately let his hands settle on Yoongi's waist. He had never once delayed them from watching their favorite show.

"Okay, but... this isn't about the secret.... is it?"

Hoseok smiled at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He pulled away, his eyes soft but cold.

"It's not Yoongi, I'm fine. You trust me right?"

Yoongi placed his head on his chest, sighing softly. His newly dyed blond hair clashed with Hoseok's black shirt.

"Of course I do..."

Hoseok kissed the top of his head and pulled away completely, and the cold came rushing to Yoongi, a shiver running down his spine even though he was wearing one of Hoseok's oversized sweaters that almost reached his knees.

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