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•1 year after Seokjin returned•

Seokjin woke up abruptly, to the sound of sizzling bacon and the sweet smell of pancakes. He guessed that Namjoon must have dropped a pan, because he could hear his two loves bickering back and forth.
He smiled.
He put on his glasses and got up slowly, the drowsiness not letting him fully wake up. As he walked out, Seokjin could see Taehyung and namjoon pouring syrup on the slightly burnt-looking pancakes. They both were wearing Seokjin's clothing, and looked very tiny. He chuckled, and tried making his steps a bit lighter. He walked right up before them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders.

"What are you two doing?"

He asked, and they both scrambled to cover the pancakes.

"Nothing! We're not doing anything we were just, getting a snack!"

Namjoon babbled, and taehyung nodded to agree with him. Seokjin smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh~ well then what's behind you two hm? Also, why are so many of my cooking supplies out?"

They looked at each other, but couldn't make an excuse that could convince their hyung.

"Could you just go out to the living room for a bit..?"

Taehyung asked, smiling at Seokjin innocently. Seokjin smiled and nodded, then left, letting the boys continue their work. He sat on the couch with a sigh, trying to figure out why they were cooking. Was it a special occasion?

"Can you two tell me what day it is?"

Seokjin asked loudly so that they could hear him. There was a slight pause, but then namjoon responded with,

"Its a very important day to us hyung!"

So Seokjin gave up and just waited. He had to admit, the apartment smelled wonderful, and he was proud of them for atleast attempting to make breakfast.


Seokjin heard two voices exclaim, and a plate of food was shoved in his face. He looked back and saw his two lovers beaming at him with pride. He smiled warmly, looking back down at the plate. A small stack of pancakes rested on the plate, strawberries and syrup scattered all over the plate. It was all covered with powdered sugar and on top of the pancakes in frosting, it said, "One Year".

"Do you like it...?"

Seokjin heard namjoon squeal out, obviously nervous from his silence. Seokjin was still trying to think of what this was all for.

"Is this... for when I came back from camp?"

He turned to look at them, and saw them nod violently. Taehyung laughed nervously and played with his hands.

"It also marks when you two gave me the chance to be accepted into your relationship."

Seokjin smiled softy, looking at them both.

I'm such a lucky man.

"Come sit next to me you two."

He pat the spaces next to him, and they obeyed without question. He set down the pancakes and wrapped his arms around their waists, kissing them both on the cheek.

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