Black - 11

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Alice was lying on her bedroom floor, wondering what she would do. She felt conflicted. She tried replaying the memory over and over.

 She tried replaying the memory over and over

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She remembered being in the forest. She remembered hearing something loud. She remembered thinking it was a gunshot, and running. It could've been a firework though... She wasn't sure, she couldn't know if it was something important enough to mention to Jughead, or if she should just keep it to herself.

On the topic of keeping things to herself, she sat up, and pulled the small safe from underneath the desk. She entered the code 0407, and watched as the door opened. Inside there were photos. The photos. She took the one of Archie and Miss Grundy into the palm of her hand. 

It wasn't really her secret to tell, was it? But it was a secret she had, and it was one she had proof of. For a moment, she thought of ripping up the picture.

"Leverage is important, Alice. It's how you get what you want." Cheryl's voice echoed through her mind.

Would she blackmail Archie though? That didn't sit right with her, she and Archie were decent friends.

Miss Grundy on the other hand.....

It would be useful to have something to use against her, if necessary. 

Regardless, Alice decided to share the noise she had heard with Jughead. She sat in her white chair that was next to her desk and turned on her computer.

Ali: Can I trust you? 

                                        JugJones01: Of course. 

Ali: I'm going to trust you. Don't betray me again.

                                      JugJones01: I won't. I promise. 

                                      JugJones01 is typing....

                                      JugJones01: I'm sorry. About last time.

Ali: I know.

Ali: Listen.... I heard something on the 4th of July....

                                  JugJones01: Like what?

Ali: I thought it was a gunshot...

Ali: It could've been a firework though...

                                JugJones01: Who would set off a firework

                                 JugJones01: At 6 am in the middle of the woods?

Ali: I don't know.. I just don't want to think that he was murdered.

                                  JugJones01: I don't want to think that either..

                                  JugJones01: But it does make sense, maybe whoever killed 

                                  JugJones01: him hid the body? And that's why we can't find it.

Ali: This is creepy.... I'll talk to you later, okay?

                                    JugJones01: Ok.

 Alice turned the computer off, running her hands through her dark hair. She wished Veronica was here, but sadly she wouldn't be arriving for another two weeks. Alice had never really felt this alone before. She had always had Jason and Cheryl but now it seemed the only person she had was herself.

-a/n hey guys. thx for 600 reads, also for 20+ votes! y'all are awesome! next chap is like, more interesting as it starts part three. anyways, love you guys, comment and vote, see ya soon-

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